Hi All,
I have an Android app which I use admob banner at the bottom of the screen. I am using the AdView from the Google Play Service library if that matters. I also have my test device ID added to the adRequest. Despite of doing that, on my AdMob account, I still see invalid
traffic posted almost everyday, though the amount is not big most of
the days (less then $1 typically). However the invalid traffic suddenly goes
very high ($10!!) in last two days!! What goes wrong with my AdMob account? Admob itself doesn't give any clue on why or where the invalid traffic comes from. What else I can do to prevent that or figure out what is the root cause of that huge invalid traffic? I've followed the rules laid out by Google.
Below is how I add my test device ID to my app for requesting ads:
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
.addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) // Emulator
.addTestDevice("92B413D52EFADEE67EA4C3B6F88B55C7") // My Nexus 4 test phone
.addTestDevice("7A4A748BD64546A6581DBF1899498C4B") // My Nexus 5 test phone
.addTestDevice("67A298B52A0CAF81CC1CD5D3DC2E80AE") // My Nexus 7 test phone
.addTestDevice("46847501FDA395DFEA7A96D33086D083") // My S5 test phone
Thanks in advance for your help.