I have a (somewhat older) application that is non-ARC, manually managed dependencies and so on and I can display DFP ads within it.
I am working on a new application ARC, Cocoapods and such, and yet whatever I do I cannot get past "kGADErrorNoFill".
I am using the same setup (adSize and adUnitID) as an ad I know works, so I don't think the issues can be DFP setup.
I've checked dependencies (despite Cocoapods doing the setup), moved to latest pods, tried to ensure that everything is correct. It sure looks it. I've set the size, set the root view controller, added delegates to get feedback (hence the NoFill error), added the view to a non-autoresize-subviews view (I believe) and made the ad request.
I've invested hours trying to figure out the problem with no success. I've enabled tests ads for this device (per the one piece of information coming from the SDK into the console), used sample ad units, but nothing helps. Does anybody have any troubleshooting advice for how I proceed?
Thanks in advance.