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Error code 3 'No Fill' even when using test ad unit

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Kent Muller

Apr 23, 2024, 5:43:12 PM4/23/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hi, we have native iOS and Android apps. Both are in the same AdMob account, and both are Active with a Ready state Approval status.  

The iOS app is showing test ads every time when using the iOS test ad unit for banners however when using the Android banner test ad unit, the Android app receives an Error code 3 No Fill for almost every request to the SDK.

If we leave the app running overnight, at some random point a test ad will be returned from the SDK, and it will appear, however this is not really conducive for development as we need to be able to test the onAdLoaded callback more reliably and consistently.

Is there someone who can help us find out why the Android app is not receiving test ad banners during development?

Thanks, Kent.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Apr 23, 2024, 6:58:37 PM4/23/24

Hi Kent,

Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.

Error code 3, no fill error means that the ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory. Kindly do note that the SDK just requests ads to the ad server and does not have any control on the ads it serve this behavior isn't controlled by the Mobile Ads SDK.

Make sure that you have followed the Android implementation guidelines. This is more of an Ad serving concern rather than anything specific to the code implementation of the Mobile Ads SDK. I would recommend that you refer to AdMob Error Codes & Logs for more details about the issue.

In the event that the issue continues to occur, could you kindly provide us with the following information to allow us to conduct a review of the code implementation? We will endeavor to replicate the issue from our perspective.

  • app ID
  • ad unit ID
  • Mobile Ads SDK Version
You can provide the above details via reply privately to the author option.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tPIGm:ref" (ADR-00232363)

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