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What if My App has a different name from the one in Admob

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Yassine Assafi

Aug 23, 2014, 10:48:42 PM8/23/14

I published my application 2 days ago, but unfortuantely it doesn't show on search results when I type it's exact name, but when I type the developper name, it shows up
so i think this issue is coming from the app name, as there's already an other app with the same name as mine and it has over 100,000 downloads

what i want to do to fix this, is to change my app's name, but I already added it in Admob with its current name and linked it to my app in google play, and unfortuantely we can't rename apps on admob or unlink them, so what is going to happend if I change my app's name in the developper console, but it will always have the same old name on admob, does this will affect the app in admob?

Kunal Verma

Aug 24, 2014, 1:12:31 AM8/24/14
to Google AdMob Ads Developers
AFAIK App names we input in admob UI is for our own reference so that we know which app reportings it is. I don't think this will have any bad affect in AdMob. Make sure you have linked your own app. Icon is better indicator to know about linked app. 


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Tim Buchalka

Aug 24, 2014, 1:58:52 AM8/24/14
Also its normal for an iOS app to take a few days before you can find it to link it in Admob.

I have one app that was published 3 days ago and I still get the error message “not found” when I attempt to link it.  Another app that was published on the same day is showing already and I was able to link.

So I suspect you will be able to link your app very soon.
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