Guys I don't understand what you are saying, so I will ask in a different way:
1. Some companies appear in the "EU IAB TCF Vendor List" , either here or here. I've noticed that Admob takes the data automatically for us, from the SharedPreferences, and it seems at least another that's on the list (I think it was Vungle/Liftoff) also does it automatically, yet it's not mentioned on its docs.
Just by having them there, does it mean I have to pass the data that I parse from SharedPreferences to them via their special SDK functions (GDPR and US regulations) or not?
If I don't have to do it, why isn't it mentioned in the Admob's website about them?
If I have to do it, why isn't there any explanation how to fetch this information?
2. Please answer with Yes if possible, and if not, please explain more:
For companies that are on the list, is the function I've mentioned with the 755 there needs to change just by the number?
If not, what other more steps are required?
3. Some companies don't appear on the list.
What do I need to do about it? Where are the docs about it in terms of parsing from the SharedPreferences?
4. Some companies don't even have any docs about them, those that have no SDK at all. Should I do anything about them?
5. Why for each of Admob's support of ad-networks in mediation, doesn't Admob have any support for them in terms of GDPR&US regulations so that we won't have to deal with them by parsing things on our own from the UMP SDK, when Google is the one that created the UMP SDK ?
Even a generic solution that's in a new dependency?
Something like just 4 functions would be enough:
- isDeviceOnGdpr():boolean
- isDeviceOnCca():boolean - can be merged with previous one, to return an integer of which type/s it belongs to
- getCcpaResult():boolean
- getGdprResultForAdNetwor(adNetworkEnum):boolean - the parameter can be an integer
Why not offer it to all, instead of putting links to countless of pages of specs that are unclear?
The list of supported ad-networks haven't changed in a very long time, and some of them don't seem to be working anymore (forms are invalid etc...)...
6. Why can't you share the code that Admob uses to detect about itself for GDPR and where is the code it uses for US regulations?
Is it the same function as I've mentioned, of the 755 for GDPR, and checking the string of "DBABL~BVQVAAAAAg" or "DBABL~BVQqAAAAAg" for US regulations ?
The US regulations can help for all networks, after all...
And if the ID is the only thing that needs to change for some networks, it could also be shared with explanation of how to do it for them.
7. Is there a way to check if the user has confirmed all in the dialog of GDPR, using the simple button that the dialog has?
What would the code to detect this be? Why can't I use this for the various ad-networks? The user might not even enter to look at all the networks...