SKAdNetwork Identifier for Verve Reported as Missing Despite Inclusion in Info.plist

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Oct 9, 2024, 3:38:03 PMOct 9
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hello AdMob,

I'm experiencing an issue with the Google Mobile Ads SDK reporting a missing SKAdNetwork identifier for Verve, even though it's included in my Info.plist file. Here are the details:

Error message:
   <Google> <Google:HTML> 1 required SKAdNetwork identifier(s) missing from Info.plist. Missing network(s): Verve. See [Enable SKAdNetwork to track conversions] (

My Info.plist includes both Verve identifiers:
   - 9g2aggbj52.skadnetwork (primary identifier)
   - tl55sbb4fm.skadnetwork (additional identifier from Google AdMob documentation)

I've included all other SKAdNetwork identifiers listed in the Google Mobile Ads SDK documentation.

I've tried cleaning and rebuilding my project, but the error persists. I'm using the latest version of the Google Mobile Ads SDK (please specify the version you're using).

Can you please advise on why this error is occurring and how to resolve it? I've double-checked my configuration and it appears to be correct according to the documentation.


Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Oct 10, 2024, 4:09:30 AMOct 10


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.

Please verify the verve identifier once more. If we include the value you mentioned “tl55sbb4fm.skadnetwork”, there shouldn't be any errors unless you entered the identifier incorrectly.

Can you provide more clarification regarding Prime identifier in this particular context? Additionally, provide us with a list of identifiers from your info.plist file?

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This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGd60:ref" (ADR-00271189)

Google Logo Mobile Ads SDK Team


Oct 10, 2024, 12:24:27 PMOct 10
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
The issue was related to the case sensitivity. I saved the Verve network as "Tl55sbb4fm.skadnetwork" with an uppercase "T," and that resolved the problem. Using lowercase didn't work.
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