Do I have to pay for adMob?

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Mar 23, 2014, 4:44:03 AM3/23/14
First off, as you can tell I am new to the adMob community. Hello all!

So I noticed on admob under the billing section it states under How you pay "You'll be charged when your balance reaches $50.00 or 30 days after your last automatic payment, whichever comes first."

Can anyone clarify this whole area for me?

Do I have to pay for adMob every month for the threshold even if I don't make the threshold in revenue? Or do they ONLY take what my revenue is if it's >= threshold?

So say, my first month's threshold is $50. If I make $10 by the end of the month, do I still need to pay $50? Or would they only take the $10?

Ipso Facto, if my first month's threshold is $50, and I make $1,000 would they take $50 and I profit the difference of $950?

Ipso Facto, when my threshold increases to $200, and I only make $100 by the end of the month, would I still need to pay $200? Or would they only take the $100?

I've tried looking around and searching everywhere for a clear answer, but I have yet to find a clear answer to this situation. Thank you for baring with me if you've read this far!

Mar 23, 2014, 4:51:46 AM3/23/14
Oh woops, if I am asking this in a wrong section please let me know. I wasn't perceptive enough to note this area is particularly only for SDK issues. My apologies if this shouldn't be here! If that's the case, whom should I contact to get this clarified?

Eric Leichtenschlag

Mar 24, 2014, 7:27:54 PM3/24/14

For general product questions, we refer folks to this help center. It contains a wealth of general AdMob product information. There are also some contact forms that can be found if you poke around in the help center if your answer can't be found.

I can tell you though that AdMob is free to use. I'm not sure where you got that quote. In fact, if I search for that quote the only result I get is this groups post.



Mar 25, 2014, 6:51:57 AM3/25/14
First off, thanks for clearing up that it's free to use!

Secondly, interesting, I hope you don't mind me picking your brain for a bit, but that help center didn't really help my question. :( So in, then if I click on Account, under the Billing > Billing Settings tab there's an area that says "Your Selections" and under here there is another section that's titled "How you pay." In here it states

"You'll be charged when your balance reaches $50.00 or 30 days after your last automatic payment, whichever comes first."

This is the area that I am having trouble understanding. Should I just remove all information from this area?

Thanks for your quick reply!


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Yubran Zela

Mar 26, 2014, 12:57:59 AM3/26/14
Hello, I don't know a lot about this, but I noticed what you are saying too about the "how you pay" section and all that stuff, I suppose it refers to people who is promoting their app so you have to pay admob because you are promoting your own app with your ads campaign and all that stuff that I know nothing about, if you are just monetizing your own app then it's free, that's what I've learnt, if I'm wrong please someone tell me.
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