need to remove testdevices property, when release the ios app?

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shifeng zhang

Aug 3, 2014, 2:31:58 PM8/3/14

I am trying to use admob interstitial ads in my app. The code is written as below: 

   GADInterstitial* interstistial = [[GADInterstitial alloc] init];

    interstistial.adUnitID = GAD_ADS_UnitId;

    interstistial.delegate = self.oMGADInterstitial_handler;

    GADRequest* oneRequest = [GADRequest request];

    oneRequest.testDevices = @[ GAD_SIMULATOR_ID, @"94602f ...", @"d49c55384 ..." ];

    [interstistial loadRequest:oneRequest];

1) I kept the     

oneRequest.testDevices = @[ GAD_SIMULATOR_ID, @"9460b2f755febfea1d1d2b****...", @"d49c55f483a43821f95a1****..." ];

in the code, when release.


Now, I download the app from itunes store. The app still displays the "test-interstitial" view. 

So, I should remove this "testdevices" line for release, right?

2) But if I remove this line. 

When running in "development" mode, the app responds to "tapping" is very, very slow. The debug log keep sending out: 


2014-08-03 09:42:03.025 math[206:60b] <Google> Error canceling ad fetcher.

2014-08-03 09:42:08.293 math[206:60b] <Google> Error canceling ad fetcher.


This make my app looks very bad in development.

Since I don't know what is the correct way to handle testdevices, I don't dare to use admob interstial ads in my app for now. 

I just switch to another ads platform for next release.

My question is: 

1) I want to get back to admob, what is the correct procedure for "testdevices"?

2) Also one suggestion: I don't understand why admob need the property of "testdevices". I checked other platform like flurry, inmobi, iAD and so others, they don't have this concept of "testdevices". This property scare off some inexperienced admob-ads-consumer, like me. Just one suggestion for admob team to remove "testdevices".

Thank you very much for help!



Eric Leichtenschlag

Aug 4, 2014, 5:50:40 PM8/4/14
The testDevices property solves 2 requirements for test ads:

1) Allow developers to test click-through behavior with non-production ads
2) Don't let developers accidentally release test ads to all users

test devices are added on a whitelist basis only. It's ok to release with that line, because your specified devices will get test ads once it's released. Your friend and the rest of your users will still get production ads.

As for your error canceling ad fetcher, the behavior shouldn't be different there for test ads vs. non-test ads. Do you have a strong internet connection when you're testing this?


Christopher Rivera

Aug 5, 2014, 2:38:36 PM8/5/14
Hi Eric

i have a similar problem that my test ads worked fine (on simulator and device with test devices added) but now that i released the app to the google play store other people dont see any ads in the app.

Do i have to turn off some kind of test mode?


Eric Leichtenschlag

Aug 6, 2014, 5:05:55 PM8/6/14
You shouldn't have to turn off test mode anywhere. Maybe folks having trouble seeing ads have internet connection problems?

Which app of yours is having problems?
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