Rewarded, Interstitial, & Native ads failing to load using native ads build for Unity 7.48 on iOS

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Joe Hopkins

Aug 14, 2020, 8:36:40 AM8/14/20
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
We upgraded from the "native ads build of the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin to support Native Ads Advanced" plugin 7.48 to 7.60 and now we cannot load native, interstitial, or rewarded ads. We are using the same Admob app and ad id's that are currently working in production with 7.48 and we have no problems with loading ads on Android.

(we downloaded the beta here:

We are using Unity 2019.3.15f with xCode 11.6 (11E708).

How do we resolve this issue?


args.Message: Failed to receive ad with error: Request Error: Internal error.
AdMediation:HandleNativeAdFailedToLoad(Object, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs)
System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs)
GoogleMobileAds.Api.AdLoader:_5MDYwNUM9t6JBcZ5uoijJHQTqTE(Object, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs)
System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs)
GoogleMobileAds.iOS.AdLoaderClient:_rTvYYPsAfHyCSfEafGvxevNhZTR(IntPtr, String)


args.Message: Failed to receive ad with error: Request Error: Internal error.
AdMediation:HandleOnAdFailedToLoad(Object, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs)
System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs)
GoogleMobileAds.Api.InterstitialAd:_7h1NmNsvACwkwyruEclPefCM1GP(Object, AdFailedToLoadEventArgs)
System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs)
GoogleMobileAds.iOS.InterstitialClient:_niCyKqhYCW89HDex6U3j58W2rUE(IntPtr, String)
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)


args.Message: Failed to receive ad with error: Request Error: Internal error.
System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs)
GoogleMobileAds.Api.RewardedAd:_4aXH8PqaRUWYWLOQrBFAQ8d9Ilu(Object, AdErrorEventArgs)
System.EventHandler`1:Invoke(Object, TEventArgs)
GoogleMobileAds.iOS.RewardedAdClient:_PXiG8Z0SFfuYABnFgq3bUqxtKqy(IntPtr, String)

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor Prod

Aug 14, 2020, 11:38:14 AM8/14/20
Hi Joe,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

Seeing that you made a decent size update to the SDK, almost a year since last one. I would suggest just looking back over the documentation for each of the ads mentioned. Also I would suggest that you check out the release blog to see all the changes that have been made over the course of the various releases. 

Based on the fact that you are getting an internal error message. That to us would indicate that something has changed in the code over the time. And what was previously working has either been changed/depreciated or something else. We would need to have a code sample to review and see what might have happened. If you would like to send us a sample or code snippet. Please share via "Reply privately to author" button.

William Pescherine
Mobile Ads SDK Team

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