Question: How to set the container have click-effect for native ads?

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Liran Barsisa

Jul 26, 2020, 7:52:55 AM7/26/20
It seems that clicking on the TextView (even on the sample) instances of the native ad also trigger opening the ad.
Same goes for other views within the ad container.

This has a weird UX, because there is no clicking effect.
Also, it's triggered by the TextView , but not around it, in empty places that the ad takes.

Is there a way to handle both of these?
I would prefer if there was a clicking effect for the entire ad container, and that it will all be clickable, other than no clicking effect and yet you can click on some views within without any feedback.

See attached video to understand what I mean.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor Prod

Jul 26, 2020, 9:20:34 PM7/26/20

Hi Liran,


Thank you for reaching out to us.


The behavior you've mentioned is intended for Native Ads. Please note that all click events for native ad elements (inside the UnifiedNativeAdView) are handled by the Mobile Ads SDK. Implementing any custom click handlers on any views over or within the native ad view isn't allowed. Also, as per Native ads policies & guidelines, the background of the ad must be not clickable (no clickable “white space”). If you use the image element as the background of the ad, the image must be not clickable.



Mark Albios

Mobile Ads SDK Team


Liran Barsisa

Jul 27, 2020, 2:12:44 AM7/27/20
Why is it this way?
Clicking anything that does something should show a clicking effect. 
Should show some interaction.
And why clicking on empty space of the ad itself doesn't do anything, while clicking on texts does?
The button is the only thing that seems clickable, but if you have other clickable things, they should also show clicking effect, if not on them, then on the entire container.
How can I make the container show a clicking effect based on anything that's clickable, then, but not things that aren't?
Note that it's only a visual cue that the user indeed clicked the ad. This way it reduces confusion : "Did I click the ad or not?" 

BTW, something is wrong with this website's email notification mechanism.
I couldn't see any link to here. I had to find it myself, manually.
Please also avoid writing my name and email here. I have enough spammers already.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor Prod

Jul 27, 2020, 3:12:43 AM7/27/20

Hi Liran,


Kindly note that the appearance of native ads depends wholly on both the ad creative shown, as well as on the developer's choice of how they structure the native ad elements against each other. A "clicking effect" may or may not be present depending on the creative, but that is already out-of-scope for the AdMob SDK. For comparison, banners, interstitials, and rewarded ads normally do not have clicking effects as well; these ads normally take you straight to the advertised site/app without much fanfare.


Empty spaces (or whitespace) having no effects when clicked is intentional behavior for ads in general. Having whitespace take you away from the app and into an advertised site (due to being clicked) can be viewed as negative user experience, seeing that whitespace is expected to be exactly just that: an empty space with nothing special going on. We must reiterate that this is also part of our native ads guidelines: there should be no clickable whitespace, as this tends to lead into false ad clicks in general.


You may opt to customize the look of your native ad (by way of having control over its design layout) in order to introduce more clarity into what native ad elements are clickable or not. With that said, I'm afraid that we will not be able to share insights on how to go about this, as this is more of an ad design concern already, which is out-of-scope for our assistance.



Ziv Yves Sanchez

Liran Barsisa

Jul 27, 2020, 3:31:55 AM7/27/20
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
On Interstitial ad, it actually does have a clicking effect, and it's on a white space of the image, at least on your sample.
It doesn't work outside the image though, but the image could easily cover the entire screen, if the ad worked this way.

About being able to click on various UI elements, what's the point in having them clickable ? Clicking on the TextView triggers the ad, but clicking a single pixel near it won't.

Anyway, can you please answer me this:

Suppose the user clicks the TextView (or the other Views that are clickable, except for the button), how can I make the container have a clicking effect, to show a cue that indeed it was clicked? When I've set a background for the container, it worked, but it also was affected by clicking anywhere (including white space, which isn't clickable)

Also please fix the email notifications here. I still don't see links to the posts.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor Prod

Jul 27, 2020, 6:08:29 AM7/27/20
Hi Lian,

I work along with Ziv. Thank you for getting back to us. However, it appears that your concern is more on creative rather than anything specific to the code implementation of the Mobile Ads SDK. With this, we would recommend reaching out to our Product Support Team for further assistance specific to creative concern.

As an aside, I'm afraid that any concerns related to the AdMob SDK Help Forum itself is out-of-scope for our assistance. You may also want to keep in mind that your name and email are immediately visible in the forum whenever you post; this, again I'm afraid, is out of our control.

Teejay Pimentel


Jul 27, 2020, 6:48:33 AM7/27/20
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
It is related to code. I want to know how to make it work nicely.
Everything that's clickable on Android has a clicking effect.
As a native ad, it should work the same.
It works fine with the button, so why can't it work fine with the rest that's clickable?

Also, please edit your comments and remove my name from there.
Please let me know who to talk to about the privacy issues on this website.
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