Auro refresh Banner Ad in flutter

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It's NK

6:56 PM (3 hours ago) 6:56 PM
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hello Developers. I am new to admob ads. I started developing apps a year ago. now i wanna learn to integrate admob in flutter app.

i have the following queries can anyone make these clear for me as i am not able to find my answers anywhere else

If i have one page app and i open it, stays on it for about 5 minutes, and I have set up the refresh rate in admob for 30 secs. Then tell me:

1). will the banner ad on this page refresh and show other banners ads in this duration automatically?   

2). OR I will have to implement a Timer logic to call the "LoadADS" function again and again after the specific time period?

if answer is "yes automatically reload and show other banners" THEN 
3). Why not mine is behaving like this?

if answer is NO
then how do I do it?

i stayed on the screen for several minutes but still the first loaded ad is showing, not changing or anyhing .

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

8:04 PM (2 hours ago) 8:04 PM

Thanks for contacting Mobile Ads SDK Support Team.

Certainly, ads are designed to refresh automatically provided that a refresh rate has been specified in AdMob. Occasionally, during testing, the same ads may be returned in rapid succession, resulting in an observable effect.

Nevertheless, I recommend utilizing Charles to monitor network activity after the 30-second timer has elapsed. If network calls are being made, there is likely no issue. In the event that no network calls are observed, please provide your App ID and adUnit ID for further investigation. 

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vDlGl:ref" (ADR-00252963)

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