AdMob 6.12.2 iOS Integration

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Nov 14, 2014, 9:44:55 AM11/14/14

I have integrated new AdMob SDK 6.12.2 in my application. After integrating when I try to Build the application, it throws the following error,

" Multiple methods named 'refresh' found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes "

This new SDK requires linking against two new frameworks: EventKit and EventKitUI. In EventKit framework there is method -(BOOL) refresh and also in my application there are method named refresh in different controllers. So it throws the error and its very difficult to rename all methods named 'refresh' in my application. When I try to call,

[_viewController performSelector:@selector(refresh) withObject:nil];

I think it will also referring to the same method name inside EventKit.framework. How can i resolve this?

This is working fine in Older SDKs.

Thanks in advance.

Eric Leichtenschlag (Mobile Ads SDK Team)

Nov 15, 2014, 8:29:05 PM11/15/14

I couldn't reproduce by creating a refresh method in a view controller and calling performSelector. At first glance, I also don't think the EventKit refresh method is relevant, since you're calling performSelector on a view controller. Maybe you have two conflicting refresh methods in two classes where one is a child of another?

Could you perhaps share a sample app that exhibits the problem?


christi reubro

Nov 17, 2014, 12:53:09 AM11/17/14
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your replay. I will check the same in my code.

One more issue : When I try to call ads from iPhone 6/6+ it always throws the "Ad request failed" error. In that documentation there is no specific sizes for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. Please find below the code,

    GADAdSize customAdSize = GADAdSizeFullWidthPortraitWithHeight(50);
        _bannerView = [[DFPBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:customAdSize];
        _bannerView.rootViewController = APP_DELEGATE.viewController;
        _bannerView.delegate = self;
        //[APP_DELEGATE.viewController.adHolderView addSubview:_bannerView];

If I use the standard 320*480 then no issues. Please help me as soon as possible, because this is affecting lot of users, because in larger display devices ads view is rendering only half of the screen.

Christi John


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Nov 17, 2014, 4:29:19 AM11/17/14
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your replay. I will check the same in my code.

One more issue : When I try to call ads from iPhone 6/6+ it always throws the "Ad request failed" error. In that documentation there is no specific sizes for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. Please find below the code,

    GADAdSize customAdSize = GADAdSizeFullWidthPortraitWithHeight(50);
        _bannerView = [[DFPBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:customAdSize];
        _bannerView.rootViewController = APP_DELEGATE.viewController;
        _bannerView.delegate = self;
        //[APP_DELEGATE.viewController.adHolderView addSubview:_bannerView];

If I use the standard 320*480 then no issues. Please help me as soon as possible, because this is affecting lot of users, because in larger display devices ads view is rendering only half of the screen.

Christi John

Eric Leichtenschlag

Nov 18, 2014, 10:10:38 PM11/18/14
Hi Christi,

Can you try using kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait or kGADAdSizeSmartBannerLandscape and see if you can get fill that way?


On Sunday, November 16, 2014 9:53:09 PM UTC-8, chriZJK wrote:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your replay. I will check the same in my code.

One more issue : When I try to call ads from iPhone 6/6+ it always throws the "Ad request failed" error. In that documentation there is no specific sizes for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. Please find below the code,

    GADAdSize customAdSize = GADAdSizeFullWidthPortraitWithHeight(50);
        _bannerView = [[DFPBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:customAdSize];
        _bannerView.rootViewController = APP_DELEGATE.viewController;
        _bannerView.delegate = self;
        //[APP_DELEGATE.viewController.adHolderView addSubview:_bannerView];

If I use the standard 320*480 then no issues. Please help me as soon as possible, because this is affecting lot of users, because in larger display devices ads view is rendering only half of the screen.

Christi John

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 6:59 AM, Eric Leichtenschlag (Mobile Ads SDK Team) <> wrote:

I couldn't reproduce by creating a refresh method in a view controller and calling performSelector. At first glance, I also don't think the EventKit refresh method is relevant, since you're calling performSelector on a view controller. Maybe you have two conflicting refresh methods in two classes where one is a child of another?

Could you perhaps share a sample app that exhibits the problem?


On Friday, November 14, 2014 6:44:55 AM UTC-8, chriZJK wrote:

I have integrated new AdMob SDK 6.12.2 in my application. After integrating when I try to Build the application, it throws the following error,

" Multiple methods named 'refresh' found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes "

This new SDK requires linking against two new frameworks: EventKit and EventKitUI. In EventKit framework there is method -(BOOL) refresh and also in my application there are method named refresh in different controllers. So it throws the error and its very difficult to rename all methods named 'refresh' in my application. When I try to call,

[_viewController performSelector:@selector(refresh) withObject:nil];

I think it will also referring to the same method name inside EventKit.framework. How can i resolve this?

This is working fine in Older SDKs.

Thanks in advance.


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christi reubro

Nov 18, 2014, 11:54:59 PM11/18/14
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply.

I used kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait to specify the height and width, but I am not getting any ads. All the requests are failed. But if I use standard 320*50 then ads are coming. Also if I try to resize the banner after receiving ads then also the same scenario. So now in larger devices I made the banner center to the screen, hope you guys will fix this soon.

Christi John

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Eric Leichtenschlag (Mobile Ads SDK Team)

Nov 19, 2014, 5:01:43 PM11/19/14
Hmm, we need to get to the root of the problem to understand what the fix would be.

I've attached a smart banner example project that's working for me. Can you try this out and help me understand what may be different in your project?

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christi reubro

Nov 20, 2014, 3:40:58 AM11/20/14
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply.

I checked the code that you shared, the one difference I noticed is in my case I am not using auto resizing.

I have attached my sample code for your reference.

Can you please have look at the same.

Christi John

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Eric Leichtenschlag (Mobile Ads SDK Team)

Nov 21, 2014, 3:00:33 PM11/21/14
Hi Christi,

I see that you're using /6499/example/banner which is a Doubleclick for Publishers test ad unit. Are you using DoubleClick for publishers (DFP)?

The ad is showing up small on a Nexus 6 because that ad unit doesn't have any bigger sized ads targeted to it. If you're using DFP for your own network and using smart banner, you'd need to include larger size ads targeted to that ad unit so that there is a larger option to choose from.

If you're signed up with the AdMob product, then ads coming from AdMob will be full width for text ads, and images will have some padding on them but still take up full width. You can test out what AdMob would look like by adding your device as a test device:

GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
.testDevices = @[GAD_SIMULATOR_ID];
[dfpBannerView_ loadRequest:request];

When you do this, the request will go to AdMob to a test ad unit, and serve back an appropriately sized ad. And if you remove the testDevices property but use an ad unit from your AdMob account (if AdMob is the product you're using), then you'll also get the full sized network ads.


On Thursday, November 20, 2014 12:40:58 AM UTC-8, chriZJK wrote:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply.

I checked the code that you shared, the one difference I noticed is in my case I am not using auto resizing.

I have attached my sample code for your reference.

Can you please have look at the same.

Christi John

christi reubro

Dec 18, 2014, 6:00:04 AM12/18/14
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply.

One more thing : Is there any support for native ads in DFP? Because my client is asking to implement DFP native ads and I didn't find any documents related to DFP native ads from the below link:

Can you please share any links/Docs related to native ads, if which is present.

Christi John

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Eric Leichtenschlag (Mobile Ads SDK Team)

Dec 18, 2014, 8:10:45 PM12/18/14
Hi Christi,

Please ask your client to speak with their DFP account manager to ask for dev resources regarding this. There is a private beta going on, but nothing available for general release yet. Therefore, there is no public documentation yet.


On Thursday, December 18, 2014 3:00:04 AM UTC-8, chriZJK wrote:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the reply.

One more thing : Is there any support for native ads in DFP? Because my client is asking to implement DFP native ads and I didn't find any documents related to DFP native ads from the below link:

Can you please share any links/Docs related to native ads, if which is present.

Christi John

christi reubro

Feb 3, 2015, 5:39:27 AM2/3/15
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply. We got invitation for private Native Beta.

So to integrate native DFP ads we need to add latest AdMob SDK 6.12.2 to our application. After adding these SDK the app is throwing two warnings.  Could you please help me to sort this out.

1. idfa class missing, won't collect idfa - ?

2. <Google> Warning: mediated ad type is unknown or invalid. Resetting type to GADAdType banner with size: kGADAdSizeBanner.

Below is my code to fetch banner ads, I am using kGADAdSizeBanner.

        _bannerView = [[DFPBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
        _bannerView.rootViewController = self;
        _bannerView.delegate = self;

       _bannerView.adUnitID = defaultBannerId;

       GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
           request.contentURL = _contentUrl;

     [_bannerView loadRequest:request];

Christi John


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Eric Leichtenschlag (Mobile Ads SDK Team)

Feb 4, 2015, 2:41:04 AM2/4/15
Hi Christi,

1. Not sure what this one is.

2. That's a regular banner request, not a native ad request. I'd have to know what response is being returned to understand why the SDK is complaining. Could you provide the ad unit you're using so I can reproduce that request?


On Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 2:39:27 AM UTC-8, chriZJK wrote:
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply. We got invitation for private Native Beta.

So to integrate native DFP ads we need to add latest AdMob SDK 6.12.2 to our application. After adding these SDK the app is throwing two warnings.  Could you please help me to sort this out.

1. idfa class missing, won't collect idfa - ?

2. <Google> Warning: mediated ad type is unknown or invalid. Resetting type to GADAdType banner with size: kGADAdSizeBanner.

Below is my code to fetch banner ads, I am using kGADAdSizeBanner.

        _bannerView = [[DFPBannerView alloc]initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
        _bannerView.rootViewController = self;
        _bannerView.delegate = self;

       _bannerView.adUnitID = defaultBannerId;
       GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
           request.contentURL = _contentUrl;

     [_bannerView loadRequest:request];

Christi John


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