New AdMob, Impression, and ads implementation, Bank Account

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yoga adya pratama

May 3, 2014, 7:57:05 AM5/3/14
This morning i just upgrade my admob to new admob, and it's so confusing, i have some question hope u guys can answer me :
1.My impression is not growing at all, at legacy AdMob, we can know ads working or not by clicking on our ads game, after click it will change the impression at legacy AdMob, but in new AdMob (im sure it's right already i use my new AdMob ID not using old publisher ID), i clicked about 5 times the impressino not going up, but my earnings up !, and i see it's from AdSense, so what happend, and how i made it's working ? bank account swiftcode have xxx in last 3 digits, i need to include that or that's mean something ?

I'm from indonesia and Bank i use is Bank Central Asia, please help me and sorry for my bad english.

Amy Quispe (AdMob SDK Team)

May 5, 2014, 8:16:46 PM5/5/14
Hi there,

Do not click on your own ads. That is grounds for being banned.

You might want to look at the Help Center for help with this case.

Amy Quispe
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