I have 970 users but admob displays 0 users

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Priya Kanjiya

Oct 14, 2014, 2:31:49 AM10/14/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Hello friends,

I have one application on playstore and in my last version i integrated Admob into my app and it is based on Phonegap app and there are 970 users who are using latest version of app but still admob displays 0 users and in my app adds are displaying so what should i have to do ?? is there any way to check how many users are using it or its my admob ads not from that plugin provider so please help me to solve it.

Thanks in advance. 

Kunal Verma

Oct 14, 2014, 6:53:27 AM10/14/14
to Google AdMob Ads Developers
Hi Priya,

If you set up analysing your app in AdMob, you need to have Google analytics SDK set up in your app for that purpose. Also, the google account of AdMob and analytics should be same.
Or if you have included analytics SDK, can you see how many users you have on analytics website?


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