Hi,--We have uploaded another app with defferent Publisher ID.One is KPOP HOLIC - Karaoke For KPOP and the other is KPOP HOLIC - JAPAN.
They had a defferent apk, package path and and Publisher ID.KPOP HOLIC - Karaoke For KPOPSite URL: market://details?id=kr.kymedia.karaoke.kpopKPOP HOLIC - JAPAN
Site URL: market://details?id=kr.kymedia.karaoke.jpopWe've rebuilt this apps with Google Play Services Migration about admob. (import com.google.android.gms.ads.*)We have done integration and checked out ad requesting status and We've published both app in 23, Dec.
But we had Interstitial Reqs. and Imps. report in KPOP HOLIC - Karaoke For KPOP.And there is no Interstitial Reqs. and Imps. report in KPOP HOLIC - JAPAN.(Exactrly there is no counting report in Reqs and Imps.)We want to recive rely from Admob team if possible.As we said further, we've already checked out issue of integration and ad requesting.(If you gonna say about that issues, we're no thank you.^_^)We wait reply.ps.Could we send mail to Admob support team?regards.
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