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Ad Requests Recorded but No Match Rate, No Impressions or Revenue for 30+ Days

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Notification Client Admin

Jan 1, 2025, 11:22:48 PMJan 1
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I am experiencing an issue where my AdMob account and all 10 of my apps are showing Match rate = 0, Impression = 0, and eCPM = 0 for over 15 days. However, Ad Requests are being recorded, and test ads are successfully returning. There are no policy violation notifications or restrictions visible in the Policy Center.

I need help identifying and resolving this issue, as it has severely impacted ad serving and revenue across all my apps.

More information:
1/ I have received response of Admob supporter:Screenshot 2025-01-01 at 16.03.40.png
2/ Additional Information 

I would like to provide additional information that might help with the investigation:

  • My account does initially record Impressions and a Match rate, but approximately one hour later, these metrics reset to 0.
  • This pattern has been consistent since the performance issues began on December 2.
Screenshot 2024-12-27 at 16.13.42.png

I believe this might indicate that the system is processing requests and serving ads initially but then invalidates or nullifies the data afterward. I wanted to share this detail in case it assists in diagnosing the root cause.

Thanks, please help me 😭

Notification Client Admin

Jan 1, 2025, 11:30:55 PMJan 1
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 11.25.31.png
My account does initially record Impressions and a Match rate, but approximately one hour later, these metrics reset to 0

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 2, 2025, 1:53:02 AMJan 2


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.

Please use the following help center article to understand Impressions, eCPM, Advanced techniques to optimize in-app revenue with Google AdMob guide, optimization tips and Match rate that can help you regarding revenue optimization.

Kindly note that the SDK just requests an ad to the ad-server (AdMob, Ad Manager, AdX or through a Third-party ad network) and does not have any control over the eCPM, match rate/fill rate/show rate/display rate or impressions of your app. I'm afraid eCPM, match rate, and impression issues are out of the scope of our team. I would recommend that you reach out to the Product support team as they are better equipped to address your concern. 

Kindly note that our support channel can only best assist you with regards to Google Mobile Ads SDK implementation and technical issues.  

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGr4I:ref" (ADR-00280252)

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 6, 2025, 11:29:20 PMJan 6


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team. 

I have executed a Google Interstitial sample application with your app ID and ad unit ID and the issue error code 3: no fill is replicating. No fill error means that the ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to a lack of ad inventory. It is very important to follow AdMob Policies, as well as Implementation Guidelines to avoid any issues. Kindly check your implementation so that Ads load and show as expected. 

Please note this behavior isn't controlled by the Mobile Ads SDK. The next step for you would be to reach out to the Product Support Team for further assistance regarding the ad serving concern.

Also note that I have deleted the previous message because it contains PII information app ID(ca-app-pub-56xxxxxx~12xxxxxxx), ad unit ID(ca-app-pub-56xxxxxxx/13xxxxxx). 

Gamified soul

Jan 7, 2025, 7:02:25 AMJan 7
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers

what is the exact issue with my Admob account? what should I have to do now to get real ads on my app????

Gamified soul

Jan 12, 2025, 6:03:34 PMJan 12
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hello please respond me, what should  I exactly have to do in order to fix this.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 13, 2025, 12:07:36 AMJan 13


Since you are facing issues with displaying ads with AdMob, follow the steps in Can't See Ads Troubleshooter and select the answers that best describe your situation. 

As stated earlier, I would recommend that you reach out to the Product Support Team for further assistance regarding the ad serving concern. Please note that the SDK just requests an ad to the ad server (AdMob, Ad Manager, AdX, or through a Third-party ad network) and does not have any control over the match rate/fill rate. Note that we can only assist with technical queries/concerns related to the Mobile Ads SDK

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