Do you know of a problem with Admob interstitial Ads not being clickable and therefore not bringing any revenue on Nexus 5 devices?
Do you know of any workaround or possible solution to the problem? Thank you!
Hi Amy, thank you for your answer!
I think the problem is more serious and unfortunately the solution that you proposed is not possible, because this happens with all Ads except one. Therefore I cannot disable 90% of the Ads in the console. Here are the details that can give you or your dev team some clue about why this happens.
1. 1. The device is brand new Nexus 5 with default settings bought before one week. Not rooted. I also restarted it a few times in case something in it is hanged.
2. 2. 2. The problem happens with all of the following Ads. One interesting thing to note is the last ad – Taxistars. The ad has screenshots (four rectangles in black box below the main icon) and these are scrollable via touch gestures and the Ad seems to work ok – however DOWNLOAD or clicking anywhere else on the Ad still does not lead to the store for download as it does on the other devices (and as it should be)
3. 3.The only Ad that is clickable is displayed below (SAGITTARIUS). It is the only Ad that works as it should. It looks like Flash and it does not have the little Info button in the bottom of the screen – instead it has some info button in the top right corner. It seems like a different Ad format that you serve and only with with it (or maybe this ad type) there is no problem. Unfortunately, this ad format comes only 10% of the time and the other 90% percent of the Ads are not clickable, because they are of the first more common type.
To be honest this seems like a serious problem to me, as I may also guess that Nexus 5 may not be the only affected device.
Can you please give this info to your development team to test with a new Nexus 5 device? I would be very happy if you can share more details later.
Thanks again and waiting to hear from you soon!
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