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RE: [google-admob-ads-sdk] ios device not working on test device

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Apr 23, 2024, 1:55:14 AM4/23/24

Hi Zach,

Can you confirm if you have set your iOS device in the AdMob UI or added your test device programmatically ? For more information please refer to Enabling test ads documentation. Furthermore, could you provide us your app ID via reply to author option to verify your account and to do further investigation.

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tPHWa:ref" (ADR-00232195)

Google Logo Mobile Ads SDK Team

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Apr 23, 2024, 7:20:57 AM4/23/24


Thank you for providing the requested information.

Upon reviewing your AdMob account with the provided information, I found the below issues which must be fixed. 

Ad serving on your product is currently limited because of invalid traffic concerns.

What you can do: 

The app-ads.txt file has not been configured yet. Although the app-ads.txt file is not absolutely necessary for ads to be displayed, it's still recommended to Set up an app-ads.txt file for your app.

I have executed our Google Sample Project with the provided information and am unable to load the ads on my end. I have observed that "No ad to show" error appears with your IDs. Upon further investigation, this seems to be a serving issue rather than something specific to the Mobile Ads SDK. The next step for you would be to reach out to the Product Support Team as they are well equipped to address your concern and provide further assistance.

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