Admob please disable ad unit son my app, I do not want any more Policy emails nor termination

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Grema comm

Jun 27, 2014, 3:16:04 PM6/27/14
Hello admob Team, Due to the recent understanding of other Google product Violation that i was given to me, Since you guys call it a violation to place my youtube rss feeds on my apps (even though the video DOES NOT PLAY INSIDE MY APP BUT PLAYS ON YOUTUBE APP) I wish to apply for the ads disabling for the following ads unit which have been deployed on various similar apps having my youtube rss feeds, to avoid being called a violator by your automatic system again and to avoid termination of my account. As you said in the recent to check all apps. I have checked and since i cant stops the ads from my admob account. 

I sent the above email to via my adsense  contact form more than 3 DAYS AGO and uptil now i have not heard from admob and the ad units are not yet disabled rather today, i got another policy violation email and ads disabled on one of the adunits i sent them 3 days ago. If they had disable the ad units, i wont have gotten the new strike on my account, i refuse to accept that strike, cos i already told thme to stop ads on it 3 days earlier. 

SO Please Admob team, Disable this for me pleae before your machine discovers the other apps and send me more policy violation emails and eventually terminates my admob account. we do not want that please. Thanks
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