Low diffusion rate

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Jun 22, 2024, 11:53:09 AM (10 days ago) Jun 22
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hi everyone,
In my app, I have this code in the onCreate:
MobileAds.initialize(this, new OnInitializationCompleteListener() {
            public void onInitializationComplete(InitializationStatus initializationStatus) {
        AdView mAdView;
        if (this.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {
            mAdView = findViewById(R.id.adViewVert);
            ((LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout_total)).removeView(findViewById(R.id.adViewHoriz));
        } else {
            mAdView = findViewById(R.id.adViewHoriz);
            ((LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout_ad)).removeView(findViewById(R.id.adViewVert));
        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putString("collapsible", "bottom");
        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
                .addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, extras)
        //AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();

So I have 2 banners ad displayed in my app, depending on the orientation of the screen (portrait or landscape).
In my AdMob report, I have a low diffusion rate (around 56%) for my portrait banner. (The number of request of my landscape banner is quite low, so the figures are not really significant to be able to compare with the portrait banner.)

Do you have any idea why my diffusion rate is low and how to improve it?
Thank you in advance for your help :)

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jun 24, 2024, 6:29:49 AM (9 days ago) Jun 24
to yoan...@gmail.com, google-adm...@googlegroups.com


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.

You can use the same banner ad for both portrait and landscape orientations on a single display. Please provide me with the business case for having 2 different banner ads for portrait and landscape on the same screen. Additionally kindly share the app ID and ad unit ID with us privately.

Kindly refer to this document for the more information.

You can provide the details via reply privately to the author option.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tJRJv:ref" (ADR-00243407)

Google Logo Mobile Ads SDK Team


Jun 24, 2024, 8:35:48 AM (9 days ago) Jun 24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Thanks for your answer.
I have done it like this because the banner is not located in the same place in the app depending on the orientation of the screen.
Is it a bad way to do it?


Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jun 24, 2024, 12:16:45 PM (8 days ago) Jun 24
to yoan...@gmail.com, google-adm...@googlegroups.com

Could you please mention what does diffusion rate refer to in GMA context. Adaptive banners are ad units that render the best size for any device and orientation. Kindly note that it would be optimal to have a single ad unit as the combined metrics of both orientations might boost the overall ad unit performance. The provided use case might be less effective when the ad units are divided based on the orientations.

Kindly refer this article for further assistance. 

If you need further assistance, as mentioned earlier kindly share the app ID, ad unit ID and your ad implementation images in both orientations with us privately.You can provide the details via reply privately to the author option.

 This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tJRJv:ref" (ADR-00243407)


Jun 26, 2024, 6:47:57 AM (7 days ago) Jun 26
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Capture d’écran 2024-06-26 134528.jpg

This is what I mean by diffusion rate, this is the number of ad displayed divided by the number of request. So it seems that almost half of the request doesn't get ad displayed.
This graph in for portrait ad only

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