iPhone: Crash the app when Ad refresh in the Airplane mode.

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Jan 11, 2014, 3:07:10 AM1/11/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
iPhone 5
iOS 7.0.4
AdMob Ads SDK 6.7.0
Xcode 5.0

 Set the Airplane mode.

 AdMob Refreshing in applicationDidBecomeActive.

Start the App.
1. Close the App by the Home button.
2. Open the App. ( refresh the AdMob )

Repeated two or three times 1-2.
App will crash.

I was simply adding a little into the sample source.


My ID was set.

- (void)loadReq;

    [self.adBanner loadRequest:[self createRequest]];

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
    [self.viewController loadReq];

I was referring to the following page.

I'm going to choose from the following.
- Do not refresh.
- Examine whether the network is alive.

Am I doing something wrong ?

Eric Leichtenschlag

Jan 17, 2014, 8:27:03 PM1/17/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com

I tried your steps on an iPhone 5c but was not able to reproduce the issue. The code you have looks good to me.

Do you have a stack trace of the crash?


Johnny Lee

Jan 20, 2014, 3:15:45 AM1/20/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
I am able to reproduce this issue.

The test project and source code to reproduce the crash is here:
(can't attach it, it says "Message content and attachments are too large.")


The steps I used to create the project:
* Create New Project in Xcode (Single View Application), named "TestAdmob".
* Remove the Unit Test project "TestAdmobTests".
* Add GoogleAdMobAdsSdkiOS-6.7.0 to project, as instructed in https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/#ios.
* Modify the implementation of the app delegate to this:

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application
[self ShowAd];

- (void)adView:(GADBannerView *)view didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error
NSLog(@"adView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError: error=%@", error);

- (void)ShowAd
[self HideAd];

m_BannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
m_BannerView.adUnitID = AD_UNIT_ID;
m_BannerView.rootViewController = self.window.rootViewController;
m_BannerView.delegate = self;
[self.window.rootViewController.view addSubview:m_BannerView];
[m_BannerView loadRequest:[GADRequest request]];

- (void)HideAd
[m_BannerView removeFromSuperview];
m_BannerView.rootViewController = nil;
m_BannerView.delegate = nil;
m_BannerView = nil;

Here, AD_UNIT_ID is my Admob publisher ID.
m_BannerView (type GADBannerView*) is a member variable of the app delegate.
The app delegate also implements the "GADBannerViewDelegate" protocol.


Environment / tools:
* Xcode 5.0.2 on Mac 10.9.1
* iOS 7.0.4 on iPhone 5
* Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS 6.7.0 (released 12/12/2013)


The steps to reproduce the crash bug:
* Build and run the app on iPhone, with airplane mode turned OFF.
* Wait until an ad is displayed (if there's no ad, try restarting the app).
* Turn ON airplane mode.
* In XCode, kill and restart the app.
* This time, without an internet connection, no ad is displayed, which is correct.
* Now, swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen, then swipe back down, so as to show and then hide the Control Center (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5858).
This triggers -applicationDidBecomeActive in app delegate.
* Keep repeating the above step (swiping), it would usually crash within 10 retries.

- It seems that it does not crash without the first few steps (i.e. to let the ad load successfully for at least once), but I'm not sure.
- The crash appears random. The call stack is different every time it crashes.
- Maybe related:

Johnny Lee

Jan 20, 2014, 5:24:49 AM1/20/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Here're some crash logs.

Each entry below represents one crash.

As you can see, the crash location is quite random.


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000005
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   CoreFoundation                 0x2d705c70 CFRelease + 20
1   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7c527c -[CFXPreferencesSource dealloc] + 24
2   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7c544c -[CFXPreferencesSearchListSource dealloc] + 64
3   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
4   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
5   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
6   Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
7   UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
8   GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
9   GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
10  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
11  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
12  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
13  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
14  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
15  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
16  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
17  TestAdmob                     0x000eea1c main (main.m:8)
18  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x380e21fc __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x38149a4e pthread_kill + 54
2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x38093028 abort + 72
3   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x38110758 szone_error + 312
4   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x381109d4 free_list_checksum_botch + 24
5   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x3810a7e6 szone_free_definite_size + 2102
6   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2ee34 object_dispose + 16
7   TestAdmob                     0x000553fc -[GADTiming dealloc] + 152
8   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
9   TestAdmob                     0x000785ec -[GADAdFetcher dealloc] + 132
10  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
11  TestAdmob                     0x0006b090 -[GADSlot dealloc] + 72
12  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
13  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
14  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
15  Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
16  UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
17  GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
18  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
19  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
20  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
21  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
22  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
23  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
24  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
25  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
26  TestAdmob                     0x00052a1c main (main.m:8)
27  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x380e21fc __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x38149a4e pthread_kill + 54
2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x38093028 abort + 72
3   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x38110758 szone_error + 312
4   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x381109d4 free_list_checksum_botch + 24
5   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x3810b1de tiny_free_list_remove_ptr + 134
6   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x38109574 szone_free + 1488
7   CoreFoundation                 0x2d705fd6 CFRelease + 890
8   TestAdmob                     0x000963b4 -[GADTiming dealloc] + 80
9   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
10  TestAdmob                     0x000b95ec -[GADAdFetcher dealloc] + 132
11  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
12  TestAdmob                     0x000ac090 -[GADSlot dealloc] + 72
13  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
14  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
15  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
16  Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
17  UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
18  GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
19  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
20  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
21  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
22  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
23  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
24  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
25  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
26  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
27  TestAdmob                     0x00093a1c main (main.m:8)
28  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x80034010
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b33910 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 20
1   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b339e4 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 232
2   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b339d6 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 218
3   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b35792 lookUpImpOrForward + 70
4   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2e026 _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 + 30
5   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2ddf6 _objc_msgSend_uncached + 22
6   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
7   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
8   Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
9   UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
10  GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
11  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
12  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
13  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
14  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
15  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
16  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
17  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
18  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
19  TestAdmob                     0x0009fa1c main (main.m:8)
20  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x8001000c
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2db66 objc_msgSend + 6
1   CoreFoundation                 0x2d705e88 CFRelease + 556
2   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7113b4 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 156
3   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
4   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
5   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
6   Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
7   UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
8   GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
9   GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
10  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
11  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
12  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
13  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
14  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
15  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
16  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
17  TestAdmob                     0x000e8a1c main (main.m:8)
18  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread:  0

Last Exception Backtrace:
0   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7d5e7e __exceptionPreprocess + 126
1   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b326c2 objc_exception_throw + 34
2   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7d97b2 -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 198
3   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7d80aa ___forwarding___ + 702
4   CoreFoundation                 0x2d726dc4 __forwarding_prep_0___ + 20
5   CoreFoundation                 0x2d76fb32 -[NSSet makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject:] + 158
6   UIKit                         0x2ff7ddc0 -[UIGestureRecognizer dealloc] + 120
7   UIKit                         0x2ff7e354 -[UITapGestureRecognizer dealloc] + 88
8   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
9   CoreFoundation                 0x2d705e88 CFRelease + 556
10  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70da34 -[__NSArrayI dealloc] + 60
11  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
12  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
13  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
14  Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
15  UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
16  GraphicsServices               0x32444768 _PurpleEventCallback + 604
17  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
18  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0772 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 30
19  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
20  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
21  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
22  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
23  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
24  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
25  TestAdmob                     0x00026a1c main (main.m:8)
26  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab2 tlv_initializer + 2

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x380e21fc __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x38149a4e pthread_kill + 54
2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x38093028 abort + 72
3   libc++abi.dylib               0x374e198a abort_message + 70
4   libc++abi.dylib               0x374fa6e2 default_terminate_handler() + 250
5   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b32936 _objc_terminate() + 190
6   libc++abi.dylib               0x374f81b0 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 76
7   libc++abi.dylib               0x374f7d12 __cxa_rethrow + 98
8   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3280a objc_exception_rethrow + 38
9   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7094e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 638
10  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
11  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
12  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
13  TestAdmob                     0x00026a1c main (main.m:8)
14  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b33916 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 26
1   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b339d6 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 218
2   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b35792 lookUpImpOrForward + 70
3   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2e026 _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 + 30
4   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2de3a _objc_msgSend_stret_uncached + 26
5   WebCore                       0x35715182 WebCore::TileGrid::invalidateTiles(WebCore::IntRect const&) + 114
6   WebCore                       0x35714c22 WebCore::TileCache::invalidateTiles(WebCore::IntRect const&) + 138
7   WebCore                       0x35716ecc WebCore::TileCache::doPendingRepaints() + 164
8   WebCore                       0x35716e04 WebCore::FrameView::flushCompositingStateForThisFrame(WebCore::Frame*) + 132
9   WebCore                       0x3571dec6 WebCore::FrameView::flushCompositingStateIncludingSubframes() + 14
10  WebKit                         0x360ccaaa -[WebView(WebViewInternal) _flushCompositingChanges] + 38
11  WebKit                         0x360cca48 LayerFlushController::flushLayers() + 24
12  WebCore                       0x3571de90 WebCore::LayerFlushScheduler::runLoopObserverCallback() + 20
13  WebKit                         0x360cc9b4 WebViewLayerFlushScheduler::runLoopObserverCallback() + 96
14  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0f66 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 18
15  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79e8f2 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 282
16  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79ec3e __CFRunLoopRun + 734
17  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
18  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
19  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
20  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
21  TestAdmob                     0x00045a1c main (main.m:8)
22  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000800
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2db76 objc_msgSend + 22
1   CoreFoundation                 0x2d705e88 CFRelease + 556
2   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7113b4 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 156
3   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
4   libAVFAudio.dylib             0x2c784606 -[AVAudioSessionPortDescription configureChannelsAndDataSources:] + 210
5   libAVFAudio.dylib             0x2c78494e +[AVAudioSessionPortDescription privateCreateOrConfigure:withRawPortDescription:] + 74
6   libAVFAudio.dylib             0x2c784a66 +[AVAudioSessionPortDescription privateCreateOrConfigureArray:withRawPortArray:] + 270
7   libAVFAudio.dylib             0x2c7862be +[AVAudioSessionRouteDescription privateCreateOrConfigure:withRawDescription:] + 422
8   libAVFAudio.dylib             0x2c77516e -[AVAudioSession privateConfigureRouteDescription:] + 142
9   libAVFAudio.dylib             0x2c7763c4 -[AVAudioSession currentRoute] + 136
10  TestAdmob                     0x000842a0 -[GADDevice audioRouteUsingAVAudioSession] + 48
11  TestAdmob                     0x00084268 -[GADDevice audioRoute] + 108
12  TestAdmob                     0x00082f60 -[GADDevice parameters] + 688
13  TestAdmob                     0x00085a50 -[GADRequestPrivate parameters] + 116
14  TestAdmob                     0x00081104 -[GADRequestError initWithCode:request:HTTPStatusCode:customMessage:] + 216
15  TestAdmob                     0x00081254 +[GADRequestError errorWithCode:request:HTTPStatusCode:customMessage:] + 68
16  TestAdmob                     0x00081294 +[GADRequestError errorWithCode:request:HTTPStatusCode:] + 36
17  TestAdmob                     0x000a42a0 -[GADAdFetcher connection:loadDidFail:httpStatusCode:] + 388
18  TestAdmob                     0x000a5c3c -[GADURLConnection connection:didFailWithError:] + 228
19  Foundation                     0x2e11047c __65-[NSURLConnectionInternal _withConnectionAndDelegate:onlyActive:]_block_invoke + 52
20  Foundation                     0x2e1103bc -[NSURLConnectionInternal _withConnectionAndDelegate:onlyActive:] + 200
21  Foundation                     0x2e1110f4 -[NSURLConnectionInternal _withConnectionAndDelegate:] + 56
22  Foundation                     0x2e19c32c _NSURLConnectionDidFail + 80
23  CFNetwork                     0x2d4401a4 ___ZN27URLConnectionClient_Classic17_delegate_didFailEP9__CFErrorU13block_pointerFvvE_block_invoke + 84
24  CFNetwork                     0x2d43eb8c ___ZN27URLConnectionClient_Classic18_withDelegateAsyncEPKcU13block_pointerFvP16_CFURLConnectionPK33CFURLConnectionClientCurrent_VMaxE_block_invoke_2 + 52
25  CFNetwork                     0x2d470334 ___ZNK17CoreSchedulingSet13_performAsyncEPKcU13block_pointerFvvE_block_invoke + 16
26  CoreFoundation                 0x2d708e9e CFArrayApplyFunction + 34
27  CFNetwork                     0x2d3d6e00 RunloopBlockContext::perform() + 160
28  CFNetwork                     0x2d3d6cd2 MultiplexerSource::perform() + 218
29  CFNetwork                     0x2d3d6b60 MultiplexerSource::_perform(void*) + 44
30  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0f1c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 12
31  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a03e2 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 202
32  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79ebd2 __CFRunLoopRun + 626
33  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
34  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
35  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
36  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
37  TestAdmob                     0x0007ca1c main (main.m:8)
38  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00010013
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b33910 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 20
1   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b339d6 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 218
2   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b35792 lookUpImpOrForward + 70
3   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2e026 _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 + 30
4   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2ddf6 _objc_msgSend_uncached + 22
5   CoreFoundation                 0x2d705e88 CFRelease + 556
6   CoreFoundation                 0x2d7113b4 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 156
7   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
8   UIKit                         0x2ff7deae -[UIGestureRecognizer dealloc] + 358
9   UIKit                         0x3004668a -[UIPanGestureRecognizer dealloc] + 130
10  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
11  CoreFoundation                 0x2d705e88 CFRelease + 556
12  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70da34 -[__NSArrayI dealloc] + 60
13  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
14  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
15  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
16  Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
17  UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
18  GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
19  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
20  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
21  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
22  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
23  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
24  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
25  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
26  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
27  TestAdmob                     0x00021a1c main (main.m:8)
28  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00001080
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2db76 objc_msgSend + 22
1   CoreFoundation                 0x2d71175c +[__NSArrayI __new:::] + 56
2   CoreFoundation                 0x2d70ef00 -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:] + 168
3   CoreFoundation                 0x2d70f852 -[NSArray initWithArray:range:copyItems:] + 270
4   CoreFoundation                 0x2d712fe2 -[NSArray initWithArray:copyItems:] + 58
5   UIKit                         0x2ff585f6 -[UIView(UIViewGestures) gestureRecognizers] + 30
6   UIKit                         0x2ff585bc -[UIApplication _cancelGestureRecognizersForView:] + 20
7   UIKit                         0x2ff582a4 -[UIView(Hierarchy) _willMoveToWindow:] + 52
8   UIKit                         0x2ff58d70 __85-[UIView(Hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector:withObject:withObject:copySublayers:]_block_invoke + 72
9   UIKit                         0x2ff58ca0 -[UIView(Hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector:withObject:withObject:copySublayers:] + 376
10  UIKit                         0x2ff58d90 __85-[UIView(Hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector:withObject:withObject:copySublayers:]_block_invoke + 104
11  UIKit                         0x2ff58ca0 -[UIView(Hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector:withObject:withObject:copySublayers:] + 376
12  UIKit                         0x2ff58d90 __85-[UIView(Hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector:withObject:withObject:copySublayers:]_block_invoke + 104
13  UIKit                         0x2ff58ca0 -[UIView(Hierarchy) _makeSubtreePerformSelector:withObject:withObject:copySublayers:] + 376
14  UIKit                         0x301ef9f2 __UIViewWillBeRemovedFromSuperview + 374
15  UIKit                         0x2ff5808c -[UIView(Hierarchy) removeFromSuperview] + 52
16  TestAdmob                     0x000828dc -[cAppDelegate HideAd] (cAppDelegate.m:33)
17  TestAdmob                     0x000825a0 -[cAppDelegate ShowAd] (cAppDelegate.m:19)
18  TestAdmob                     0x0008250c -[cAppDelegate applicationDidBecomeActive:] (cAppDelegate.m:9)
19  UIKit                         0x2ffd96b0 -[UIApplication _stopDeactivatingForReason:] + 376
20  UIKit                         0x2ff5fb46 -[UIApplication handleEvent:withNewEvent:] + 3462
21  UIKit                         0x2ff5ecf8 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 68
22  UIKit                         0x2ffc431c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 660
23  GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
24  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
25  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
26  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
27  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
28  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
29  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
30  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
31  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
32  TestAdmob                     0x00082a1c main (main.m:8)
33  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x380e21fc __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x38149a4e pthread_kill + 54
2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x38093028 abort + 72
3   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x38110758 szone_error + 312
4   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x381109d4 free_list_checksum_botch + 24
5   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x3810b1de tiny_free_list_remove_ptr + 134
6   libsystem_malloc.dylib         0x3810a704 szone_free_definite_size + 1876
7   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b315a6 cache_collect + 146
8   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b317ce cache_fill + 114
9   libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b30420 lookupMethodInClassAndLoadCache + 88
10  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b31bfc object_cxxDestructFromClass(objc_object*, objc_class*) + 76
11  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2ec62 objc_destructInstance + 30
12  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2ee2e object_dispose + 10
13  UIKit                         0x2ff7defc -[UIGestureRecognizer dealloc] + 436
14  UIKit                         0x3017e0fe -[UIWebTouchEventsGestureRecognizer dealloc] + 98
15  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
16  CoreFoundation                 0x2d705e88 CFRelease + 556
17  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70da34 -[__NSArrayI dealloc] + 60
18  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b3db06 objc_object::sidetable_release(bool) + 170
19  libobjc.A.dylib               0x37b2f01e (anonymous namespace)::AutoreleasePoolPage::pop(void*) + 354
20  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7091c4 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 12
21  Foundation                     0x2e0f1b04 -[NSAutoreleasePool release] + 116
22  UIKit                         0x2ffc433c _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 692
23  GraphicsServices               0x3244476a _PurpleEventCallback + 606
24  GraphicsServices               0x32444352 PurpleEventCallback + 30
25  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a0774 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
26  CoreFoundation                 0x2d7a070e __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 342
27  CoreFoundation                 0x2d79eeda __CFRunLoopRun + 1402
28  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70946c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
29  CoreFoundation                 0x2d70924e CFRunLoopRunInMode + 102
30  GraphicsServices               0x324432e6 GSEventRunModal + 134
31  UIKit                         0x2ffbe840 UIApplicationMain + 1132
32  TestAdmob                     0x000c9a1c main (main.m:8)
33  libdyld.dylib                 0x3802bab4 start + 0


Jan 20, 2014, 9:29:38 AM1/20/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com

We were seeing the same error in our implementation too after upgrading to 6.7.0. The new kit seems to be messing up the memory. Therefore the crash doesn't always happen at the same location. For now we've reverted back to the previous version (I guess 6.6) knowing that, that too has a reproducible yet less frequently occurring bug.


Eric Leichtenschlag

Jan 21, 2014, 5:22:19 PM1/21/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the sample app and more detailed reproduction steps Johnny. I was able to reproduce a crash with that sample. I'm having the iOS SDK engineers investigate this further.

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Tadashi Atoji

Jan 22, 2014, 1:25:40 AM1/22/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Thank you !

Tentatively, I was made to check the survival of the network before the ad refresh.

Was relieved to be reproduced.
Please fix.

Thanks :)

Seth Spitzer

Jan 24, 2014, 4:04:01 PM1/24/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
I'm seeing the same crash with Google Mobile Ads SDK for iOS version 6.7.0, too.


Eric Leichtenschlag

Jan 24, 2014, 9:47:33 PM1/24/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Hey guys,

Please check out v6.8 at https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/download#downloadios and confirm that it resolves the issue reproduced in the sample app.


Johnny Lee

Jan 24, 2014, 10:24:22 PM1/24/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
v6.8.0 verified fixed for me.
(had to add CoreTelephony.framework as instructed here: https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/rel-notes#ios)

Seth Spitzer

Jan 27, 2014, 1:00:50 PM1/27/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com

v6.8 resolved the issue that I was seeing, thank you!


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Tadashi Atoji

Jan 29, 2014, 2:50:11 AM1/29/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com

But, I was released one app already by using 6.7.0. 
Now The ad does not appear in the app ;)

Maybe 6.7.0 user might less, but...

Eric Leichtenschlag

Jan 30, 2014, 6:18:38 PM1/30/14
to google-adm...@googlegroups.com
Hmm, this sounds related to a separate check we added specifically for 6.7.0. What is the name of the app you're seeing this on?

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