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Hidden but tappable banner in iOS

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Dora Lim

Jan 12, 2025, 4:39:36 AMJan 12
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hi guys, 

Recently, on my iOS app, I switched from native ad to inline adaptive banner ad. And I discovered an issue. 

From time to time, like 1 out of 20 times, I will see the inline adaptive banner ad disappear, like BLANK. Nothing is shown. But, if you tap on it, it will still lead to the publisher website. 

Summary of Observations:
- This never happens in test ad ID. 
- This only happens like 1 out of 20 times in production ad IDs.
- When this happens, tapping on blank ad still lead to the website
- When this happens, slowly touching the space using finger will suddenly reveal the ad, if i leave my finger, the ad disappear again. So it appears the ad only appears when finger-down.
- If I refresh the interface, another ad appear, this issue maybe gone again. 

Things I have tried (but still seeing this problem):
- Updated the Admob SDK to latest 11.13.0, didn't help
- Re-implemented the admob banner, previously loading from nib, now direct contruct from UIView, didn't help
- Thinking it could be a bug in GADInlineAdaptiveBanner something, I changed it to GADAdSizeMediumRectangle, didn't help
- I thought maybe blank space is due to unfilled banner ad, so I added a fallback mechanism to display another static image when ad is unfilled. But the blank ad problem still happen without triggering the fallback image, so ad is filled when problem happens. 

Impact of this:
- Google noticed invalid clicks from this bug, and now sent me a warning in policy center and turning on "Confirmed Click". Reducing my ecpm and income. 

Can someone advise, how can I debug this?

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 12, 2025, 5:42:20 PMJan 12
Hi Dora,

Thank you for contacting Mobile Ads SDK Support Team.

As you've mentioned that this issue is occurring with test ads but with the production ads. Kindly provide below info by replying to author option for further investigation.
  • Charles Log
  • App Id
  • Ad Unit ID 
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGvQ8:ref" (ADR-00284120)

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