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UMP Test Form not responsive + Everywhere setting not working

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Nathan McKean

Apr 22, 2024, 5:24:13 AM4/22/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hello team. I don't know if I should split these into two different conversations, but will list both for brevity. Wondering if anyone has experienced or could have insight into either of the following.

1. UMP "Test Form" not functional.
I am using DebugGeography = Debug.Geography.EEA to test my UMP implementation on Unity and it is showing a form with the app name of AdSamplerTestApp but I can't click any of the buttons.

I don't feel this is normal? Has this happened to anyone? Is it possible that there is a "z-index" problem and something else in my scene is invisibly overlaying it? That is my only other idea to check as I can't work it out.

2. Setting scope to "Everywhere"
I set my scope to Everywhere rather than EEA+UK in Admob and then remove my DebugGeography overwide, as I should no longer need it and the form does not appear.

Some troubleshooting documentation for UMP would be mighty helpful as it seems pretty thin and this is taking way to long to solve.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Apr 22, 2024, 10:58:32 AM4/22/24

Have you already checked this guide for eu consent for unity? If not, I would suggest checking it. If you wish to implement the UMP for android and iOS platform you still need to implement it as this guide for android and iOS.  We are able to click the buttons in our sample project, it seems to be an implementation issue kindly share a sample project where the issue is reproducible.

In Admob, in your GDPR Message's settings, select the target to everywhere. if you don't live in the European region, this way you can see the test message. kindly refer to the link that explains how to create GDPR messages for app.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02tPGpC:ref" (ADR-00232048)

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