admob lead to load ANR on some android devices when i integrate unity to android

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Nov 6, 2013, 9:54:44 PM11/6/13
i integrate unity with android in eclipse. and i add the admob use admob-for-android-sdk. first load my app is right. but after repeatedly close and reload the app, app will occur ANR(black screen) when load without Acitivity onCreate invoked.

the conditions occur ANR is: Under right, the admob will show out after load my app, but when it don't show the admob, and then i reload app, ANR will come.

i also found a key from log:
 log-->dalvikvm    "DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'ads1796546997.jar' (bootstrap=0) ---" ,
 log-->dalvikvm  "DexOpt: --- END 'ads1796546997.jar' (success) ---",
 log-->dalvikvm  "DEX prep '/data/data/com.test.testadmob/cache/ads1796546997.jar': unzip in 0ms, rewrite 201ms"
and some Ads(the log tag) log. the logs will appears under right and then the admob ads will show out, but without all this logs or only appears first(BEGIN"ads179...") log, the ads will not show out, and then reload come ANR error.

some devices needs to  attempt A dozen times repeatedly reload will occur ANR, but some devices after several times, like LG P765 and samsung GT-I9100.

thank you:)

Eric Leichtenschlag

Nov 8, 2013, 10:00:47 PM11/8/13
Are you seeing this on v6.4.1, or the Google Play services version of the library? If the former, can you test it on the Google Play services version? AdMob will be iterating on the Google Play services version going forward.

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