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Request: for GDPR and US rules, make the mediation ad-sources automatically get the values right from Google's SDK

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Liran Barsisa

Jan 20, 2025, 2:22:02 AMJan 20
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Google offers an SDK for GDPR ad consent messages and US rules:

However, for each ad-source mediation, there is a section for GDPR and US rules, which often tells to add code without any mention of Google's SDK:

A few say that it does, perhaps, such as this one, which sadly only talks about GDPR and not US:

"Since SDK version 12.0.0, AppLovin supports reading the consent string from shared preferences and setting the consent status accordingly.

If you are not using AppLovin SDK version 12.0.0+ or not using a CMP that writes the consent string into the shared preferences , you can use the setHasUserContent method."

Please make all of the various adapters automatically get the values from Google's SDK, and if not possible, tell us how to do it via the docs there, so that we would do it ourselves.
Right now all code that's mentioned there puts the adapters in strict situations, so they all can't reach full potential even if outside EU or allowed by the users.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 20, 2025, 7:52:06 AMJan 20


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK support team.

The setHasUserContent method should only be used if you are not using a CMP that writes the consent string into shared preferences and if you are not using AppLovin SDK version 12.0.0 or higher.

While some mediation adapters support reading consent values directly from Google's SDK, others don't. You can learn more about how to comply with privacy regulations and set up consent mode using a third-party app analytics provider.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGxIp:ref" (ADR-00285100)

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Liran Barsisa

Jan 20, 2025, 8:49:53 AMJan 20
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
You just repeated what I wrote, that Applovin handles it automatically.

You pass the responsibility to them, and they pass the responsibility to you. As you wrote this, I got an email from an ad-source company saying to talk about this with Google, as their SDK needs to know the status of the consent. 
I'm in the middle, not knowing how and what to do. That's not productive.
How can I use Google's SDK for GDPR and US laws to pass what the ads SDKs need?
It's not mentioned anywhere.
Not on Google's websites, and not on the ad-sources websites.
All I see is a manual setting functions to call, without any talk about the consent itself, as if I need to create a new consent dialog for each ad-source and for both GDPR and US laws...

Please, update the docs to show how to do it properly.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jan 20, 2025, 12:35:22 PMJan 20


I will raise this request to the wider team, and will intimate once receive any update on this, Please keep an eye on the release notes.

Liran Barsisa

Jan 22, 2025, 3:56:56 AMJan 22
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Thank you. 
In comparison, look at this by AppLovin, as it seems they promise that developers that use their mediation SDK don't need to handle GDPR and US regulations as they do this automatically when using Google's UMP SDK:

"Starting with AppLovin MAX SDK version 12.0.0, if you use Google’s CMP (UMP), MAX takes care of CMP integration. It also ensures that the consent status is established correctly when you initialize the SDK. See Google UMP Automation for more details."
"If you implement a CMP that complies with IAB TCF v2 (Transparency & Consent Framework) for your user consent flow, MAX sends the TCF v2 strings to networks"

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