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Error code 3 - No fill - On production app

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Guilherme Ramos

Nov 29, 2024, 7:01:43 PM11/29/24
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hi Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

We are currently experiencing an issue with requests to ad units registered on Ad Manager. We are receiving an Error Code - 3 (No Fill) when attempting to custom native ads with production app. However, the debug app (which has the same app ID but different package ID).

Here are some additional details regarding the issue:

  • App ID: ca-app-pub-2254724399296431~2926399101
  • Platform: Android
  • SDK Version: 23.3.0
Using the ad inspector on debug app, we get the following parameters in the ad slot registered:

"state": "AD_LOADED",
"format": "NATIVE"

And into the response info:

"winningAdapterClassName": ""

But on the production app, we get:

"state": "AD_LOAD_FAILED",
"format": "UNKNOWN"

And into the response info:

"winningAdapterClassName": ""

We have ensured that:

  1. The ad unit IDs and ad Slots are correct.
  2. There are no issues with the user base or location that could restrict ad availability.

We have the same native running with our iOS app and we aren't facing issues. It's only with our production app. It's important to know that our debug app isn't published on Play Store.

I appreciate your support and look forward to your guidance in resolving this issue.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Dec 2, 2024, 6:06:21 AM12/2/24

I tried the provided information on our sample app and can replicate the no fill error with the production package. The no fill error means an ad serving issue which indicates there are no ads available at request time. Please note this behavior isn't controlled by the Mobile Ads SDK. Kindly check app-ads.txt file is correct and reach out to product support team for further assistance.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGmsh:ref" (ADR-00277338)

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