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What is Admob In-app Purchase ? How to use it ??

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Mushareb Javed

Jul 5, 2014, 11:40:38 AM7/5/14
Can anyone tell me what is admob in-app purchase and what is the difference between admob in-app purchase and Google play in app billing ? Are they different ? because i want to use in-app purchase to sell some items on my apps games like extra coins or levels etc. I can't make a google wallet merchant account from my country so here i want to use in app purchase to earn some good revenue but i didn't get any good tutorial regarding admob in-app purchase i heard about google play in-app billing but it requires merchant account so i am interested to know can i use admob in-app purchase to sell some extra levels in my games but how can implement admob in-app purchase in my app i read a tutorial from google site but i didn't get understand i'm interested to know is there any better tutorial available to learn admob in-app purchase and how to implement ??

Eric Leichtenschlag

Jul 9, 2014, 9:03:24 PM7/9/14
AdMob in-app purchase allows you to set up ads to perform in-app purchases. While the SDK has added some APIs for this, you can't actually create in-app purchase campaigns in the front-end just yet.

The in-app purchase APIs offer two mechanisms to complete in-app purchases. One is the default purchase flow, the other is the custom purchase flow. The default purchase flow leverages Google Play in app billing for consumable purchases and the SDK handles most of the purchase flow for you. In the custom purchase flow, you have to perform the in-app purchase yourself. So with the custom purchase flow, you can use Google Play in app billing or some other mechanism.


Mushareb Javed

Jul 10, 2014, 5:24:53 AM7/10/14
Ok thanks I got it.


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