Got stuck in "getting ready" approval status for long

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Oct 18, 2024, 7:35:53 AM (2 days ago) Oct 18
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I released couple of apps on Google PlayStore using my organization Play Console account. 
Link to both the apps:

I am using Individual Admob account to run adds on both the apps. I have 10+ year old active Adsense account through which I have received several payments. And I have used the same email ID (of my Individual Adsense account) to sign up for my Admob account so payment, tax info and other required details are already verified and in good status. In spite of that, my Admob approval status is in "Getting Ready" status for quite some time now. I checked several online communities in and outside Google where people are complaining of waiting several months in the "getting ready" status without any idea of the exact reason and I really dont want to be one among them. 

Everywhere I find this link ( and everyone comes up with general answers which I have checked and rechecked several times and found it to be in order every single time. I even tried going through each and every tab of all the three (Adsense, Admob, Adwords) and found everything active and in green. 

Please show some mercy and be kind to provide the exact reason as to why I am stuck in "getting ready" status.

Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Oct 18, 2024, 2:09:20 PM (2 days ago) Oct 18

Thank you for reaching out to us.

App review takes a couple of days, but in some cases we may require more time to evaluate your app. However, I'm afraid that this forum can only provide support on the technicalities related to the code implementation of the Mobile Ads SDK. For account-related concern, we recommend that you reach out to the Product Support Team as they're the appropriate team that could help you in this.
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