RE: [google-admob-ads-sdk] while there is no problem in the policy center, my ads are limited help

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Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Sep 25, 2024, 10:01:21 AMSep 25


Thank you for contacting the Mobile Ads SDK Support team.

Please be informed that I have removed your response from the forums as it contains the PII information.

After reviewing your account with the information you provided, I have not identified any policy violations. I ran the Google Sample Project with your app ID and ad unit IDs and was unable to load ads with error: “Request Error: No ad to show”.

We also tried by enabling the Ad Inspector. It shows “no fill error” means that the ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory. Kindly do note that the SDK just requests ads to the ad server and does not have any control on the ads it serves; this behavior isn't controlled by the Mobile Ads SDK.

Make sure that you have followed the iOS implementation guidelines. This is more of an Ad serving concern rather than anything specific to the code implementation of the Mobile Ads SDK. That said, I would recommend that you reach out to the Product support team for further assistance regarding the ad serving concern. 

Please find below your previous response with redacted information.


There is no problem with my test ads appearing. But my real ads are not appearing. It is a joke that 1 or 2 are displayed per day.

I also verified the address thanks to the pin sent to my house.

When I proceed with the troubleshooter, it says visit the policy center, but when I look there, I have no problems, please help.

Publisher ID: pub-****************

This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02vGaL7:ref" (ADR-00269471)

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