[GAM] Cannot add a new ad unit mapping for SDK Bidding

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Gavin Guo

9:58 AM (3 hours ago) 9:58 AM
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
Hi there, 

I am currently testing Google Ad Manager integrating with Pangle. And I have been following the instruction here:
However, I cannot proceed while configuring ad unit mapping:
Here I cannot enter a Mobile application, as it seems to be required to be a published one in store. However, I am merely testing GAM-Pangle mediation configuration so I actually do not have a published app to play with.

Thus, I had to add an example app that is in store, e.g. Google Play Games, to my Google Ad Manager, and continued my test specifying it while mapping the ad unit.
I used the AdManager/BannerExample code sample from GitHub, and modified exactly as the mediation instruction says.

However, I still cannot get the test work... and the ad inspector looks weird, with a InMobi SDK that I never added to the bidder, and an unknown interstitial placement of AdMob that can even get filled. I suppose that these has something to do with the Google Play Games and its app id that I put while mapping the app unit, right?

Could you please explain it to me, and help me with the Pangle mediation testing? We need it to be fully test in order to perform certain troubleshooting for Pangle clients.
Many thanks!

Kind regards,
Gavin Guo
Pangle team

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