Revenue Generation From Admob Using Flutter Sdk

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Shivam Saxena

Jun 27, 2024, 12:30:55 PM (3 days ago) Jun 27
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I have integrated flutter sdk ( for google ads to show banner and native ads. I need to find a way to get the revenue from the ad.
Please help me to resolve it.


Mobile Ads SDK Forum Advisor

Jun 27, 2024, 3:32:02 PM (3 days ago) Jun 27


Thank you for your query regarding finding a way to get the revenue from the ads integrated into your Flutter app. Based on my investigation, here’s a comprehensive guide on how you can proceed:

How AdMob Works:

  1. Create Ad Space:
    • To display ads in your app, ensure your Flutter app is integrated with the Google Mobile Ads SDK, as per the Flutter quick-start guide. You create ad units in AdMob. This allows you to define where ads will appear within your app’s interface by adding the corresponding ad unit codes to your app’s codebase.
  2. Ad Serving:
    • AdMob optimizes ad serving by selecting the highest-performing ads from its network and third-party ad networks. This ensures that your users see ads that are most likely to generate revenue.
  3. Payment Process:
    • AdMob manages the entire billing process with advertisers and ad networks behind the scenes. Once ads are displayed in your app, AdMob handles the payment collection from advertisers and networks. You then receive your payments based on the revenue generated, contingent upon compliance with AdMob policies. Please refer how to get paid with AdMob video to know more about payment thresholds, form of payment and payment FAQ.

Accessing Revenue Data:

To access revenue data from your AdMob ads, follow these steps:

  • Enable Impression-level Ad Revenue: Log in to your AdMob account and navigate to Settings > Account > Account controls. Toggle on the Impression-level ad revenue setting.
  • Implementation: Ensure your Flutter app is integrated with the Google Mobile Ads SDK (minimum required versions: 21.1.0+ for Android, 9.10.0+ for iOS). Implement the paid event handler in your app to capture revenue data sent by the SDK for each ad impression.
  • Revenue Precision: AdMob provides various levels of revenue precision (Precise, Estimated, Publisher provided, Unknown) depending on the type of ad source and data availability.


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