App wasn't imported after update to the new AdMob

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Александр Козюков

Nov 29, 2013, 8:28:06 AM11/29/13
Recently I moved my old AdMob account to the new version and found that one of my apps wasn't imported to the app list. What should I do to solve the problem? Is there a solution without the app update?

Thomas Kiddle

Nov 30, 2013, 10:40:10 PM11/30/13
I emailed them with the same question
this was their reply:

If the ad units weren't imported it means the system wasn't 100% able to correctly map legacy site Ids to the apps they belonged to. In this case the best thing to do is recreate the apps and ad units in the new UI with their new ad IDs. You can then bundle this push together with the new Android SDK and save yourself upgrades in the future. 

So I did that but my problem is i still have money on the old admob which im not sure how to get lol.
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