Dear Google AdMob Developer Support Team,
I am reaching out to report an issue with my Android application that uses AdMob ads with Meta Audience Network (Facebook) mediation. Despite implementing the latest Google Ads SDK and configuring the mediation setup correctly, I am experiencing a significant issue where ads are not getting filled, especially when Meta Audience Network fails to deliver ads.
When the Meta Audience Network fails to deliver ads (No Fill error), all the ad requests in my app fail, resulting in no ads being displayed at all. This issue is negatively impacting the monetization of my app as users are not seeing any ads.
onAdFailedToLoad: null
2025-01-09 18:00:50.981 11481-11481 AdManager D {
"Code": 3,
"Message": "No fill.",
"Domain": "",
"Cause": "null",
"Response Info": {
"Response ID": "dcF_Z5SIEeb_rtoPn4r0sAI",
"Mediation Adapter Class Name": "",
"Adapter Responses": [
"Adapter": "",
"Latency": 5678,
"Ad Source Name": "Meta Audience Network (bidding)",
"Ad Source Instance Name": "Meta Audience Network (bidding) (Native)",
"Ad Source Instance ID": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"Credentials": {
"pubid": "ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXX\/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX\/cak=no_cache&cadc=94&caqid=dcF_Z8nPD8OY9fwPluH26AI",
"Ad Error": {
"Code": 3,
"Message": "No fill.",
"Domain": "",
"Cause": {
"Code": 1001,
"Message": "No fill",
"Domain": "",
"Cause": "null"
"Response Extras": {
"mediation_group_name": "NTV ADS"