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Show two ads (ad unit ids) from Admob on same App Page

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Андрей Таранов

Nov 30, 2014, 9:47:14 AM11/30/14
I want to show two ads on the same app page. So say a user opens the app in landscape. Can I show two ads on that same page say one to the left and one to the right? Does it go against policy for this? If I can do it do I use the same Ad Unit Id for the app or do I create two separate ad unit ids for the same app? Currently I have two ad unit ids under one app and if I use the same ad unit id for both AdView(s) then I shows for both. Seems to be working. If I make AdView(1) show ad unit id 1...... And I make AdView(2) show ad unit id 2 then that works as well. I don't know which way is the proper way. I don't want to get banned. Please help me because I can not find the policy for this. If you have a link to the policy please post it. Thanks.

Akshit Rewari

Dec 1, 2014, 12:21:16 AM12/1/14
Number of ads per page

The number of ads on a single screen should not exceed one if the ad is fixed to the screen top or screen bottom.

So you should not use two ad units as it's clearly mentioned in policy

Akshit Rewari

Dec 1, 2014, 12:27:06 AM12/1/14

Here is the link to admob policy . I'm surprised you were unable to find this . It is always the top result if you search for admob policy or any similar phrase on Google .

For your particular problem , I think you should try using smart banners from admob

Андрей Таранов

Dec 1, 2014, 12:48:00 AM12/1/14
Thank you. I was looking for this info but could not find it. Maybe im going blind. But thank you this saved me a lot of time because I wanted to implement an adroator with two ad units on one page. Good to know. Thanks....!!
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