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Android Admob : Is there any violation to remove resources from google play services SDK

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Giru Bhai

Aug 7, 2014, 5:08:08 AM8/7/14

With Admob SDK my apk size was 680KB. When replaced Admob SDK with google play services SDK it is 1.3MB.(with Proguard)

As Suggested by @daniel in Android app size increased after adding admob ads using google-play-services_lib (Did second step)

2, remove unused resource from res folder if you only use ads.

many resource in google-play-services_lib\res folder is no use for you, you can remove it. such as values-af, values-am, .... what you need to keep is color, drawable, drawable-hdpi and valuesfolder.

I removed resources from google-play-services_lib such as values-af, values-am, .... and keep color, drawable, drawable-hdpi and values folder.Then my apk size is 890KB

I haven't use this on production yet, and I don't know if this could be against Google Play Services TOS. But it's the only way I've found to reduce the size of the app after adding Google Play Services.

I want to use only Admob Ads service,So Is it Ok to edit google play services SDK in this way to reduce apk size or would my solution not violate Google Play Services TOS?

As I am afraid from this Admob Account Disabled After Implementation : Publisher Guide

9 Do not modify Adunit

You have only limited modification over ads so make sure that you haven’t altered native features of Admob (Google Play Store Services) SDK. Publishers cannot be shared source of Google SDK code or library.

Amy Quispe (AdMob SDK Team)

Aug 7, 2014, 9:36:01 PM8/7/14
Hi Giru,

It's not a policy violation, but if you remove stuff you're at a higher risk for things breaking. Also, do not modify any of the Mobile Ads code.

Amy Quispe
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