"Failed to resolve host network app id" for unpublished app

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Lusine Abrahamyan

5:18 AM (3 hours ago) 5:18 AM
to Google Mobile Ads SDK Developers
I have an interstichial ad in ios app and Im getting the following error:

"Warning: -[BETextInput attributedMarkedText] is unimplemented

nw_application_id_create_self NECP_CLIENT_ACTION_GET_SIGNED_CLIENT_ID 80

Failed to resolve host network app id"

Some suggested to change the seller information to "transparent", but it didn't help. Also, one answer was to create a app-ads.txt, but as I understand unpublished app cannot have it.

Additionaly to add, while Im getting error in the app, I can see in the admob dashboard requests that I did.
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