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Unity Admob SDK issues

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Ben Roberts

Nov 8, 2014, 5:48:58 PM11/8/14

Hello, first just wanted to say thanks for the official SDK - beats having to pay someone to get ads into our games. So far have found a few issues with the SDK though. 

1. Dummy ads don't show up in the editor

2. There's no way to know how tall the banner will be which makes it really hard to build UI around it. 

3. On iOS7, on iPhone 5s in portrait, Smart Banner ads are getting stretched to about half the height they should be and maybe 150% of the width (so they're cropped)

4. On Android, Smart Banner ads set to be top aligned occasionally appear left aligned and without the background texture on the right 

Screenshots attached, on the latest versions of the plugin SDK and Unity.


Eric Leichtenschlag

Nov 13, 2014, 8:07:26 PM11/13/14
Hi Ben,

1) The plugin requires the Android or iOS SDk to fetch ads, so in the editor requests wouldn't work. I suppose the plugin could throw up some dummy view of the right size, and try to make the right callbacks and stuff, but you'd really want to test on device anyways so it's more a nice to have than anything else.

2) Smart banners will have 50 height in portrait and 32 in landscape on phones, and 90 in both orientations on tablets.

3) Known issue with rendering of certain creatives. This one is on AdMob serving, not the plugin itself or even the SDKs.

4) I'm assuming your app supports both orientations? This would be the plugin's fault; it should make a new banner with the portrait size on orientation change. I've filed an issue for this but I don't know when I'll have the time to get around to it.


Ben Roberts

Nov 26, 2014, 1:26:33 AM11/26/14
Hi Eric, thanks for the reply!

1) This would be more than a nice to have as it's not feasible to own all of the different hardware that the app needs to support - by seeing the ad in-context, in Unity it would make it a lot easier to work out how to build the UI around it. 

2) In order to move UI out of the way I need to know how many *pixels* the ad is taking up knowing that the ad is 50 points doesn't help unless there's some reliable way to convert that to pixels which, as far as I can tell, there isn't. 

3) Good to know, thanks. 

4) The app is set up with auto-rotation and the allowed rotations are portrait and portrait upside-down (no landscape)

Cheers, Ben 


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