Seeing an initializing bug happening when trying to instantiate a DFPBannerView using a custom size in SDK 6.10 and upward. We had to revert to 6.9.2 because of the error.
DFPBannerView *newAdd = [[DFPBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:GADAdSizeFromCGSize(CGSizeMake(700,350))];
This causes the add to log an exception telling me that it could not be created and to use either a constant or a custom size created with GADAdSizeFromCGSize(). However, as you can see I am doing just that. The validSizes property can only be set after instantiation so it is of no use. I have found a hack that seems to work, although the error is still logged and the behavior is unpredictable. If I instantiate it with kBannerSize included in the SDK, and then use the resize function, I can get it to convert over to 700x350, however the error is still logged and as stated before the behavior is not optimal. Reverting back to 6.9.2 and below, the issue is not present.