admob - More Impressions than Requests in US Area

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Akshit Rewari

Nov 1, 2014, 10:32:38 AM11/1/14
I recently published few apps and integrated admob. 

I am aware of most of the statistics and terms ( and difference between ad request and impressions).

Most of the cases , the number of requests is higher than number of actual ad impressions where an ad is requested but isn't loaded completely ( mostly due to slow internet connection, specially in India , My app is about Indian exam so 95% downloads from India and just few from US).

While checking the admob stats , I found that there were more Impressions than Requests from US area. Is that normal? 

Requests: 197
Impressions: 208
Fill Rate: 100%

How does this happen?  Ad is requested 197 times , but displayed 208 times .  Also find screenshot attached. 

A quick Google search reveals that most developers are concerned about the number of impressions being lower than number of requests. However here the number of impressions is higher than number of requests.

Do I need to check my implementation , or report this to Google. 

Or is it normal and I should ignore it?

My app is a very basic simple app and I just followed the basic admob integration guide to integrate ads.

admob stats.png

Eric Leichtenschlag

Nov 4, 2014, 6:20:50 PM11/4/14
I'd recommend filling out the performance issues form for additional assistance. I don't think this is related to your implementation of the SDK.

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