V3 Troubleshooting

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Feb 21, 2012, 8:27:35 AM2/21/12
to goodrelations-for-joomla
This thread discusses problems with the latest generation of
goodrelations-for-joomla (version 3 compatible with Joomla 2.5 and
VirtueMart 2).

Version 3 of goodrelations-for-joomla was released on 21.02.2012 and
is currently in alpha stage, this means it is not considered to be
stable. Since it is a fork of version 2.1 with adaptations to meet the
new database layout and corresponding functions, the shortcomings are
expected to be modeling-based only rather than real bugs with severe
consequences for shopping carts (e.g. memory leaks, etc.).

In the current thread we offer users and developers to post issue
reports, bugs they may encounter while using the extension, or even
bug fixes and feature requests.

Best wishes,
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