UG_qwkcode_syntax change on build 4010

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2022年5月30日 晚上8:04:432022/5/30
Hi guys,

I don't know if intentionally or not but I've noticed a change on lap markers behavior.
Before build 4010 UG_qwkcode_syntax like 4x4m@260r4m@95L ( with only one "L" at the end) would put a lap marker after both, the interval and the rest period, but now it only does for where the "L" is placed.
Please advise.


Ale Martinez

2022年5月31日 中午12:23:012022/5/31
Cannot reproduce this on current master:


2022年5月31日 下午1:52:422022/5/31
this is odd.

I download the last snapshot yesterday but the build shows Mar 7 2022 but yours is May 20 2022. Same 4010 build.
Not related but worth noting it says OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 but I'm on W11.
Nonetheless following your email I did another test creating a new workout containing just that one exemple ( 4x4m@260r4m@95L) and it worked...
After the I tested the workout that had present the problem and it worked as well.
But something has happened because it was VO2 max workout and I was coming back from a cold and couldn't handle the intervals and when I pressed next lap it was going to the next VO2 interval instead the rest ... It happened the whole activity... including the Anaerobic steps. 
Anyway thanks.
I let you know it that happens again. 

Best regards,

PS: is not that it was a new workout or the first time. I had done it dozens of times....

Captura de tela 2022-05-31 143844.jpg

Ale Martinez

2022年6月1日 中午12:07:562022/6/1
El martes, 31 de mayo de 2022 a la(s) 14:52:42 UTC-3, escribió:
this is odd.

I download the last snapshot yesterday but the build shows Mar 7 2022 but yours is May 20 2022. Same 4010 build.

As I said before, I use latest master code which is newer than snapshot now, if I cannot reproduce the issue using it there is nothing I can (or wish) to do.

Not related but worth noting it says OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 but I'm on W11.

Likely because W11 was released after the Qt version we are using and it is not recognized accordingly.
Nonetheless following your email I did another test creating a new workout containing just that one exemple ( 4x4m@260r4m@95L) and it worked...
After the I tested the workout that had present the problem and it worked as well.

To try to reproduce the problem using the latest build available (typically snapshot) before asking is a good practice, but I written this so many times that it looks like a lost cause...

2022年6月1日 下午1:24:482022/6/1

The build that presented the problem is the same that later on din't present ...  Build 4010 of  Mar 7 2022. The last available at the moment.


2022年6月1日 下午2:06:462022/6/1
the latest master release is available via github.

You can download GC at
And then scroll down until you get to Installing and then click on build. Bildschirmfoto von 2022-05-21 09-58-56.png

Only for Windows, if you use Linux you have to translate GC yourself.
More about this:

Ale Martinez

2022年6月1日 晚上8:25:162022/6/1
El miércoles, 1 de junio de 2022 a la(s) 14:24:48 UTC-3, escribió:

The build that presented the problem is the same that later on din't present ...  Build 4010 of  Mar 7 2022. The last available at the moment.

The more likely situation is the problem you reported in your first time never happened so you cannot recreate it.

Your second post suggest the problem was not the lack of lap markers, which should be visually evident, but you unintentionally advancing more than one lap marker at a time, likely due to a click longer than the auto-repeat period (200ms).

2022年6月2日 下午2:43:192022/6/2
I find that hard because it happened a dozen times at the workout bellow and than after using the Robot in a controlled manner.

This is the how it should have gone.
Captura de tela 2022-06-02 153042.jpg

This is how it ended up. I was tired and had to give up on Z6 intervals, but it kept jumping to the next interval instead of rest until I realized the pattern after getting the feedback in that moment and starting click right before the end of the lap and it was jumped 2 steps.

Captura de tela 2022-06-02 152935.jpg

Not sure if related I use a logitec wireless mouse when training. 


Ale Martinez

2022年6月3日 晚上7:59:542022/6/3
El jueves, 2 de junio de 2022 a la(s) 15:43:19 UTC-3, escribió:
I find that hard because it happened a dozen times at the workout bellow and than after using the Robot in a controlled manner.

This is the how it should have gone.
Captura de tela 2022-06-02 153042.jpg

Lap markers are present as displayed, and lap forward button has auto-repeat enabled, when click duration exceeds the auto-repeat threshold (200ms) more than one lap marker is advanced.
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