Remove 1 year of activities

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Harrisitto 121

Oct 21, 2021, 11:42:38 AM10/21/21
to golden-cheetah-users
My 2019 season "date range" got corrupted, and some other files that I didnt uploaded appear in the -trend- graphs. I would like to remove only the activities from that date range so that I can reupload them again, but I dont know how. Can you help me?

Mark Liversedge

Oct 21, 2021, 11:53:55 AM10/21/21
to golden-cheetah-users
The simplest way is probably to navigate to the activities folder using explorer/finder (whatever OS you are on) and delete the files when GoldenCheetah is not running- the filenames have the date encoded into them.

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