GOLD Builder 5.2 Released

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Aug 18, 2012, 5:14:01 PM8/18/12
This update contains bug fixes and a few new features:

* Added a 'Previous States' tab in the DFA State Browser. It works just like the tab in the LALR State Browser.)

* Added a Nullable and First Set Table window. This information is used to construct the LALR State Table. It should be useful for students learning parsing theory.)

* The Symbol Information Window now displays relevant data. Nonterminals and terminals have different meaningful properties. The window now will only display the ones that apply to the symbol in question.)

* Fixed a bug when declaring hexadecimal set ranges. The algorithm had a flaw resulting in -1 (FFFFFFFF) in most cases.)

* Fixed a bug that affected using a Group End Terminal in productions. This should be allowed in all cases, but the system was vulnerable to the order of declaration in the grammar.)

* Fixed a bug in the Create Webpage utility. The system was duplicating group lexical information. The same text was being repeated for each group.)

You can download it from

Arsène von Wyss

Aug 23, 2012, 1:09:14 PM8/23/12
Great news Devin!

I tried the Binaries Only archive (because I need to keep V4 for now as well as parallel install) but it doesn't contain the "gp.dat" file and therefore doesn't start. Is that file missing?

Thanks, Arsène
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