Hii am new to grammer,I try to convert the below plsql_expresstion to gold grammerAfter add in <char_expression> to <plsql_expression>, theTest data: value1 := v1 + v2; become invalid.That should be the confict for <variable_name> in <char_term> and <num_factor>.Please advices.ThankSource============"Case Sensitive" = False
"Start Symbol" = <Statements>{String Ch 1} = {Printable} - ["]
{String Ch 2} = {Printable} - ['']
Number = {Digit}+('.'{Digit}+)?('.'?E[+-]?{Digit}+)?
quoted_string = ''{String Ch 2}*''
Identified = {Letter}{AlphaNumeric}*
<Statements> ::= <assignment_statement><assignment_statement> ::= Identified ':=' <plsql_expression> ';'
<plsql_expression> ::= <num_expression>
| <char_expression>
<num_expression> ::= <num_expression> <sign> <num_term>
| <opt sign> <num_term><char_expression> ::= <char_expression> '||' <char_term>
| <char_term><char_term> ::= <char_literal>
| <variable_name>
| '(' <char_expression> ')'
| 'NULL'
<num_term> ::= <num_term> <Multi Exp> <num_factor>
| <num_factor><opt sign> ::= <sign>
<sign> ::= '+'
| '-'
<Multi Exp> ::= '*'
| '\'
<num_factor> ::= <numeric_literal>
| '(' <num_expression> ')'
| <variable_name>
<numeric_literal> ::= Number
<variable_name> ::= Identified
<char_literal> ::= quoted_string--
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