execution of a go program

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Adithyan Unni

Aug 22, 2024, 1:50:37 PM8/22/24
to golang-nuts
i have a doubt i have a go routine in my code if my program ends still the go routine will work right .
the doubt is that when my program ends is it the main function or the soure code as a whole ends

the source code is converted to binary -- then we get a execution file 
then we do the code execution right as a whole , but when earlier case if program execute and exited the go routine should also exit right

Brian Candler

Aug 22, 2024, 3:24:34 PM8/22/24
to golang-nuts
It's easy enough to demonstrate:

You have a process with threads where goroutines run. When that process dies, all goroutines die too. They cannot live beyond, or independently from, the main process.
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