the go command

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Russ Cox

Feb 7, 2012, 11:38:12 AM2/7/12
to golang-nuts
Recent weekly snapshots have a new command, called “go”, that
automates the downloading, building, installation, and testing of Go
packages and commands. It replaces both goinstall and make. I
thought it would help to say a little bit about why we wrote a new
command, what it is, what it's not, and how to use it.


You might have seen early Go talks in which Rob jokes that the idea
for Go arose while waiting for a large Google server to compile. That
really was the motivation for Go: to build a language that worked well
for building the large software that Google writes and runs. It was
clear from the start that such a language must provide a way to
express dependencies between code libraries clearly, hence the package
grouping and the explicit import blocks. It was also clear from the
start that you might want arbitrary syntax for describing the code
being imported; this is why import paths are string literals.

An explicit goal for Go from the beginning was to be able to build Go
code using only the information found in the source itself, not
needing to write a makefile or one of the many modern replacements for
makefiles. If Go needed a configuration file to explain how to build
your program, then Go would have failed.

At first, there was no Go compiler, and the initial development
focused on building one and then building libraries for it. For
expedience, we postponed the automation of building Go code by using
make and writing makefiles. When compiling a single package involved
multiple invocations of the Go compiler, we even used a program to
write the makefiles for us. You can find it if you dig through the
repository history.

The purpose of the new go command is our return to this ideal, that Go
programs should compile without configuration or additional effort on
the part of the developer beyond writing the necessary import

Configuration versus convention

The way to achieve the simplicity of a configuration-free system is to
establish conventions. The system works only to the extent that the
convention is followed. When we first launched Go, many people
published packages that had to be installed in certain places, under
certain names, using certain build tools, in order to be used. That's
understandable: that's the way it works in most other languages. Over
the last few years we have consistently reminded people about the
goinstall command and its conventions: first, that the import path is
derived in a known way from the URL of the source code; second, that
that the place to store the sources in the local file system is
derived in a known way from the import path; third, that each
directory in a source tree corresponds to a single package; and
fourth, that the package is built using only information in the source
code. Today, the vast majority of packages I see mentioned are
'goinstallable': they follow the conventions. The Go ecosystem is
simpler and more powerful for it.

We received many requests to allow a makefile in a package directory
to override goinstall's defaults, to provide just a little extra
configuration beyond what's in the source code. But that would have
introduced new rules. Because we did not accede to such requests, we
were able to write the new go command and eliminate our use of make or
any other build system.

It is important to understand that the go command is not a general
build tool. It cannot be configured and it does not attempt to build
anything but Go packages. These are important simplifying
assumptions: they simplify not only the implementation but also, more
important, the use of the tool itself.

Go's conventions

The go command retains the conventions established by the goinstall command.

First, the import path is derived in an known way from the URL of the
source code. For Bitbucket, GitHub, Google Code, and Launchpad, the
root directory of the repository is identified by the repository's
main URL, without the http:// prefix. Subdirectories are named by
adding to that path. For example, the supplemental networking
libraries for Go are obtained by running

hg clone

and thus the import path for the root directory of that repository is
"". The websocket package is stored in a
subdirectory, so its import path is

These paths are on the long side, but in exchange we get an
automatically managed name space for import paths and the ability for
a tool like the go command to look at an unfamiliar import path and
deduce where to obtain the source code.

Second, the place to store sources in the local file system is derived
in an known way from the import path. Specifically, the first choice
is $GOPATH/src/<import-path>. If $GOPATH is unset, the go command
will fall back to storing source code alongside the standard Go
packages, in $GOROOT/src/pkg/<import-path>. If $GOPATH is set to a
list of paths, the go command tries <dir>/src/<import-path> for each
of the directories in that list.

Each of those trees contains, by convention, a top-level directory
named "bin", for holding compiled executables, and a top-level
directory named "pkg", for holding compiled packages that can be
imported, and the "src" directory, for holding package source files.
Imposing this structure lets us keep each of these directory trees
self-contained: the compiled form and the sources are always near each

These naming conventions also let us work in the reverse direction,
from a directory name to its import path. This mapping is important
for many of the go command's commands, as we'll see below.

Third, each directory in a source tree corresponds to a single
package. By restricting a directory to a single package, we don't have
to create hybrid import paths that specify first the directory and
then the package within that directory. Also, most file management
tools and UIs work on directories as fundamental units. Tying the
fundamental Go unit - the package - to file system structure means
that file system tools become Go package tools. Copying, moving, or
deleting a package corresponds to copying, moving, or deleting a

Fourth, each package is built using only the information present in
the source files. This makes it much more likely that the tool will
be able to adapt to changing build environments and conditions. For
example, if we allowed extra configuration like compiler flags or
command line recipes, then that configuration would need to be updated
each time the build tools changed; it would also be inherently tied
to the use of a specific toolchain.

Getting started with the go command

Finally, a quick tour of how to use the go command. Assuming you want
to keep your source code separate from the Go distribution source
tree, the first step is to set $GOPATH, the one piece of global
configuration that the go command needs. The $GOPATH can be a list of
directories, but by far the most common usage should be to set it to a
single directory. In particular, you do not need a separate entry in
$GOPATH for each of your projects. One $GOPATH can support many

Here’s an example. Let’s say we decide to keep our Go code in the
directory $HOME/mygo. We need to create that directory and set
$GOPATH accordingly.

$ mkdir $HOME/mygo
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/mygo

Into this directory, we now add some source code. Suppose we want to
use the indexing library from the codesearch project along with a
left-leaning red-black tree. We can install both with the “go get”

$ go get
$ go get

Both of these projects are now downloaded and installed into our
$GOPATH directory. The one tree now contains the two directories
src/ and
src/, along with the compiled packages
(in pkg/) for those libraries and their dependencies.

Because we used version control systems (Mercurial and Git) to check
out the sources, the source tree also contains the other files in the
corresponding repositories, such as related packages. The “go list”
subcommand lists the import paths corresponding to its arguments, and
the pattern “./...” means start in the current directory (“./”) and
find all packages below that directory (“...”):

$ go list ./...

We can also test those packages:

$ go test ./...
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
ok 0.239s
ok 0.021s
? [no test files]
? [no test files]
ok 0.231s

If a go subcommand is invoked with no paths listed, it operates on the
current directory:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go list
$ go test -v
=== RUN TestNstateEnc
--- PASS: TestNstateEnc (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestMatch
--- PASS: TestMatch (0.01 seconds)
=== RUN TestGrep
--- PASS: TestGrep (0.00 seconds)
ok 0.021s
$ go install

That “go install” subcommand installs the latest copy of the package
into the pkg directory. Because the go command can analyze the
dependency graph, “go install” also installs any packages that this
package imports but that are out of date, recursively.

Notice that “go install” was able to determine the name of the import
path for the package in the current directory, because of the
convention for directory naming. It would be a little more convenient
if we could pick the name of the directory where we kept source code,
and we probably wouldn't pick such a long name, but that ability would
require additional configuration and complexity in the tool. Typing an
extra directory name or two is a small price to pay for the increased
simplicity and power.

As the example shows, it’s fine to work with packages from many
different projects at once within a single $GOPATH root directory.


As mentioned above, the go command is not a general-purpose build
tool. In particular, it does not have any facility for generating Go
source files during a build. Instead, if you want to use a tool like
yacc or the protocol buffer compiler, you will need to write a
makefile (or a configuration file for the build tool of your choice)
to generate the Go files and then check those generated source files
into your repository. This is more work for you, the package author,
but it is significantly less work for your users, who can use “go get”
without needing don't need to obtain and build any additional tools.

More information

There is not yet a full manual for the go command. For more
information, run “go help” or visit

Peter Bourgon

Feb 7, 2012, 12:13:54 PM2/7/12
to, golang-nuts
Russ, thanks for the detailed explanation. "Motivation" docs like this
are helpful. One point, however:

> Here’s an example.  Let’s say we decide to keep our Go code in the
> directory  $HOME/mygo.

The implication here is that "my Go code" is somehow distinct from "my
C code" (or whatever). This implication is false: I don't draw
partitions in this way. I keep "my Go code" with all my other code:
cloned into ~/src. I expect Go packages and binaries to be built "in
place" in those cloned subdirectories, just like all my other
software/language stacks. This expectation is reinforced by the fact
that the Go toolchain produces [nearly] pure, statically-linked
binaries, requiring no runtime framework. And, "gb" manages to satisfy
it. (It does so by resolving import dependencies into the $GOROOT
tree, which is fine by me.)

It could be that I'm being stubborn, or my use-case is atypical. If
so, I hope some people on this list will point it out and (gently)
correct me :) But, at least for now, I'm not sure that I'm all that
weird in having these expectations. The "go" tool feels more like the
weird element in the equation.

Gustavo Niemeyer

Feb 7, 2012, 12:16:27 PM2/7/12
to, golang-nuts
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 14:38, Russ Cox <> wrote:
> thought it would help to say a little bit about why we wrote a new
> command, what it is, what it's not, and how to use it.

Thanks for the great write up Russ.

I'll take this chance to highlight one minor point:

The new "goinstall" is "go get".

The "install" subcommand of the "go" tool will build and install a
local package only.

Gustavo Niemeyer

-- I'm not absolutely sure of anything.

Gustavo Niemeyer

Feb 7, 2012, 12:36:30 PM2/7/12
to Peter Bourgon,, golang-nuts
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 15:13, Peter Bourgon <> wrote:
> The implication here is that "my Go code" is somehow distinct from "my
> C code" (or whatever). This implication is false: I don't draw
> partitions in this way. I keep "my Go code" with all my other code:
> cloned into ~/src. I expect Go packages and binaries to be built "in
> place" in those cloned subdirectories, just like all my other

I use ~/src as well, and I have GOPATH=$HOME. Works fine.

> It could be that I'm being stubborn, or my use-case is atypical. If
> so, I hope some people on this list will point it out and (gently)
> correct me :)

I don't think your use case is atypical, and I don't see why you might
be called stubborn in this regard. Just use ~/src, and set up the go
tool so it uses it.

> But, at least for now, I'm not sure that I'm all that
> weird in having these expectations. The "go" tool feels more like the
> weird element in the equation.

I disagree here, though. You seem to like gb. Have you realized that
one of the key reasons why you can use another build tool which is
non-standard with pretty much every single package out there is
because those packages don't depend on a build tool at all? Try to use
an autoconf package without autoconf, or a make-based package without
make, or an ant-based package without ant. The concept behind the go
tool is what allows you to easily use go packages without the tool

Peter Bourgon

Feb 7, 2012, 1:02:28 PM2/7/12
to Gustavo Niemeyer,, golang-nuts
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:36 PM, Gustavo Niemeyer <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 15:13, Peter Bourgon <> wrote:
>> The implication here is that "my Go code" is somehow distinct from "my
>> C code" (or whatever). This implication is false: I don't draw
>> partitions in this way. I keep "my Go code" with all my other code:
>> cloned into ~/src. I expect Go packages and binaries to be built "in
>> place" in those cloned subdirectories, just like all my other
> I use ~/src as well, and I have GOPATH=$HOME. Works fine.

Except (as mentioned in IRC) this populates my ~/bin and ~/pkg subdirs
with artifacts, rather than dropping them in place. In my view, this
is undesirable.

> I disagree here, though. You seem to like gb. Have you realized that
> one of the key reasons why you can use another build tool which is
> non-standard with pretty much every single package out there is
> because those packages don't depend on a build tool at all? Try to use
> an autoconf package without autoconf, or a make-based package without
> make, or an ant-based package without ant. The concept behind the go
> tool is what allows you to easily use go packages without the tool
> itself.

Oh, don't get me wrong: I'm totally in favor of convention over
configuration. And for the most part, I'm totally fine with the
conventions that goinstall (and/or the go tool) established.

My problem is in the details: specifically, that the go tool both
requires extra convention ($GOPATH) and imposes extra restrictions
(mandating a home for "my Go code"; binaries necessarily to
$GOPATH/bin; packages necessarily to $GOPATH/pkg), both of which gb
manages to avoid.

I'm trying to figure out the cost that gb pays to achieve this (in my
view) clear usability win, but I'm not seeing it.

Gustavo Niemeyer

Feb 7, 2012, 1:17:35 PM2/7/12
to Peter Bourgon,, golang-nuts
> Oh, don't get me wrong: I'm totally in favor of convention over
> configuration. (...)

> I'm trying to figure out the cost that gb pays to achieve this (in my
> view) clear usability win, but I'm not seeing it.

It's just a different taste. I personally appreciate the fact that the
source tree remains clean after a build, and also that I can drop
binaries onto my ~/bin with "go get" or "go install". To me that's a
win, but it may be a different convention than the one you prefer. The
only way for both camps to be happy would be with configuration, and
we both seem to agree that convention wins over configuration.

Peter Bourgon

Feb 7, 2012, 1:20:33 PM2/7/12
to Gustavo Niemeyer,, golang-nuts
> It's just a different taste. I personally appreciate the fact that the
> source tree remains clean after a build, and also that I can drop
> binaries onto my ~/bin with "go get" or "go install". To me that's a
> win, but it may be a different convention than the one you prefer. The
> only way for both camps to be happy would be with configuration, and
> we both seem to agree that convention wins over configuration.

All else being equal, the solution which requires no extra environment
variables should be preferred.

Aram Hăvărneanu

Feb 7, 2012, 1:20:34 PM2/7/12
to Gustavo Niemeyer, Peter Bourgon,, golang-nuts
Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
> I use ~/src as well, and I have GOPATH=$HOME. Works fine.

Me too, I already had all my code, Go or not, in ~/src. GOPATH=$HOME
is perfect for me.

Peter Bourgon wrote:
> Except (as mentioned in IRC) this populates my ~/bin and ~/pkg subdirs
> with artifacts, rather than dropping them in place. In my view, this
> is undesirable.

Go putting stuff in ~/bin is a very nice bonus to me, I already had
~/bin added to my $PATH, so I didn't have to do anything extra to
accommodate myself to the new tool . ~/pkg wasn't there, but it's just
a directory I usually ignore, why is this an issue? It has to go
somewhere, I don't mind it in my home.

Aram Hăvărneanu

Miek Gieben

Feb 7, 2012, 1:26:53 PM2/7/12
to golang-nuts
[ Quoting <> at 11:38 on Feb 7 in "[go-nuts] the go com..." ]

> Recent weekly snapshots have a new command, called “go”, that
> automates the downloading, building, installation, and testing of Go
> packages and commands. It replaces both goinstall and make. I
> thought it would help to say a little bit about why we wrote a new
> command, what it is, what it's not, and how to use it.

Thanks. This really helps.

> Limitations


> into your repository. This is more work for you, the package author,
> but it is significantly less work for your users, who can use “go get”
> without needing don't need to obtain and build any additional tools.

I will be watching the src/cmd/goyacc directory to see how that will
actually work in that case :)

grtz Miek


Stefan Nilsson

Feb 7, 2012, 1:28:37 PM2/7/12
"Third, each directory in a source tree corresponds to a single package."

How do you handle a package x_test that goes together with a package x?
Should it still go into directory x or should it have its own x_test directory?

If you put them in the same directory, it seems that you need to give the full path for x within the x_test package. That's inconvenient if you want to move your code.

Paul Borman

Feb 7, 2012, 1:29:25 PM2/7/12
to Aram Hăvărneanu, Gustavo Niemeyer, Peter Bourgon,, golang-nuts
Perhaps it is a belief that $GOPATH/src must only contain go sources.  That is not the case.  The only convention enforced is that there is a src, bin, and pkg directory in $GOPATH (with the latter two being optional).

In the end, there cannot be a tool that satisfies everyones every desire.   A simple tool will enforce some sort of convention and a complex tool will negate the desire that some have for simplicity.  Some battles are not worth fighting.


Paul Borman

Feb 7, 2012, 1:30:29 PM2/7/12
There is no "test" package.  Just the *_test.go sources associated with the package in the same directory.  The go command does the right thing when you us "go test".


Stefan Nilsson

Feb 7, 2012, 1:40:48 PM2/7/12
Sure, you could put your test code in the same package. But common practice seems to be to put the test code for package x in package x_test. For example:

Peter Bourgon

Feb 7, 2012, 2:08:43 PM2/7/12
to Gustavo Niemeyer,, golang-nuts
And another point, which I overlooked:

> I use ~/src as well, and I have GOPATH=$HOME. Works fine.

Beyond populating ~/bin and ~/pkg, this has the additional restriction
of making the "natural" home for my projects the tail end of a rather
long chain of subdirectories. For example, my project "goop" moves
from the logical home ~/src/goop to
~/src/ That's totally unnatural, and not
something I'm keen to abide.

I remain open to arguments that the go tool's way is better. What I'm
less enthusiastic about is the notion that it's somehow no more
difficult, or not meaningfully different, than gb's way. The
convention of the go tool—ie. its mandated structure—imposes
significant cognitive load on the developer when compared to "the
competition" (viz. gb), and for no concrete reason or benefit that I
can discern.

(At least, this is my opinion.)

John Asmuth

Feb 7, 2012, 2:14:24 PM2/7/12
to, Gustavo Niemeyer,

On Tuesday, February 7, 2012 1:02:28 PM UTC-5, Peter Bourgon wrote:

I'm trying to figure out the cost that gb pays to achieve this (in my
view) clear usability win, but I'm not seeing it.

The cost is that with the go tool, you can run "go build" from any subdirectory within the workspace and it knows exactly what to do. With gb, it is not so straightforward (unless you set $GOPATH, which gb knows about and deals with). Without $GOPATH, you have to tell gb where the workspace root is by creating a file gb.cfg and specifying it there. Each directory you want to be able to run gb from needs to have this. Of course, gb will create (or modify, if they already exist) all the gb.cfg files for you if you run "gb --workspace" from the root. You then have to be careful about moving subdirectories around, because that can invalidate the workspace location if you used a relative path to describe it (you can just run "gb --workspace" again, so it's not so bad).

It's a trade-off. Both have their advantages.

Steve McCoy

Feb 7, 2012, 2:18:54 PM2/7/12
Nice article. I was wary of a future where I'd be checking in yacc output, but you've persuaded me to suck it up.

Paul Borman

Feb 7, 2012, 2:41:26 PM2/7/12
I believe that is an artifact.  It is better and normal practice to put them all in the same package.  The go command does the right thing.  The tests will not be included in your final package.  You can test this by adding a "foo_test.go" file in your sources.  Make it contain errors.  "go install" will still work but "go test" will fail.

The only way you can test private functions is to have the tests part of the same package.


Feb 7, 2012, 2:44:42 PM2/7/12
to golang-nuts
This is great. Can it be posted to the Go blog?
>         hg clone

Paul Borman

Feb 7, 2012, 2:46:27 PM2/7/12
Checking in yacc output has the advantage that you don't have to worry that there is more than one yacc.  But it is annoying for development.  Change the yacc and now you have to manually create the .go file *or* you go back to something like make and eventually have make call "go" (but what dependencies to use?!)

I was working on a project where I was writing a Go program that produced Go code that was then built into the final product.  For development I would sure like the right thing to happen if I modify the first Go program.

However, my case is less common than most and there is a benefit to the simplicity of the go command.  It is the 90% solution.  The 100% solution apparently is not possible (ant, make, scons demonstrate none of them are 100%)

Gustavo Niemeyer

Feb 7, 2012, 2:50:28 PM2/7/12
Hi Stefan,

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 16:40, Stefan Nilsson
<> wrote:
> Sure, you could put your test code in the same package. But common practice
> seems to be to put the test code for package x in package x_test. For
> example:

Indeed. The go tool continues to support the common practice of having
a test package with the prefix _test within the same directory as the
actual package. Nothing changed in that regard.

Kyle Lemons

Feb 7, 2012, 2:51:30 PM2/7/12
If you put them in the same directory, it seems that you need to give the full path for x within the x_test package. That's inconvenient if you want to move your code.

The _test package is only intended to break dependency cycles incurred by test code.  Since the _test files are ignored, they don't count as another package normally, and go test understands them.

Yohann Coppel

Feb 7, 2012, 2:58:11 PM2/7/12
to, Gustavo Niemeyer,
I may be wrong, but I don't think you *have* to use the src/ directory to write your code.

A first option is put your code is ~/src/goop/, then symlink ~/src/ to ~/src/goop, and use "" as import path. That would solve everything.

If you still don't want to do that, you can git clone your project in ~/src/goop. Then use import "goop/...." as you are doing now. I don't see the problem with that.

If goop have multiple packages though, and import "parts of itself" (e.g. import "goop/maths"), then users of your package will have to do the same: git clone github/...../ in their src directory, and done.
In fact, what I would do, is have a ~/third_party/src where I clone other people's package, e.g. ~/third_party/src/goop, and add ~/third_party/ to GOPATH. That way my src directory also stays clean of third-party packages.

I personally really like the fact that the source directory stays clean as well, and that no config is needed.
And finally, I guess gb is still a great tool that I have also been using until now, so it should still be possible to use it right ?

Russ Cox

Feb 7, 2012, 3:05:09 PM2/7/12
to, Gustavo Niemeyer
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 14:58, Yohann Coppel <> wrote:
> I may be wrong, but I don't think you *have* to use the
> src/ directory to write your code.
> A first option is put your code is ~/src/goop/, then symlink
> ~/src/ to ~/src/goop, and use ""
> as import path. That would solve everything.

cd ~/src/goop
go install -v

See where it gets installed.


Yohann Coppel

Feb 7, 2012, 3:07:04 PM2/7/12
to, Gustavo Niemeyer,
what about 
go install -v

Yohann Coppel

Feb 7, 2012, 3:49:49 PM2/7/12
to, Gustavo Niemeyer,
This worked perfectly with one of my packages.

- Git clone in src/package
- linked to src/package
- used either by importing "" OR "package".

Here is the whole thing:

mkdir -p ~/go/src
export GOPATH=~/go

cd ~/go/src
go fix readflags.go/readflags
// more manual fix....
mkdir -p ~/go/src/
cd ~/go/src/
ln -s ~/go/src/readflags.go readflags.go
cd ~/go/src
mkdir foo
vi foo/foo.go
// Type the following:
package main
import (
var fooFlag = flag.Int("foo", 3, "An int")
func main() {
  readflags.ReadFlagsFromString("foo = 5")
  fmt.Println("Flag is", *fooFlag)


cd foo
go install -v
// TADAAA prints "Flag is 5"

Note, that I can even change my code do import "readflags.go/readflags" if I want to.

I finally ran
cd ~/go/src/readflags.go/readflags
go install -v
to have it installed as readflags.go/readflags as well, although it wasn't really necessary.

And to summarize, after I ran all those commands.
$ tree ~/go/
├── bin
│   └── foo
├── pkg
│   └── linux_amd64
│       ├──
│       │   └── yohcop
│       │       └── readflags.go
│       │           └── readflags.a
│       └── readflags.go
│           └── readflags.a
└── src
    ├── foo
    │   └── foo.go
    │   └── yohcop
    │       └── readflags.go -> /home/ycoppel/go/src/readflags.go
    └── readflags.go
        ├── readflags
        │   ├── readflags.go
        │   ├── readflags_test.go
        │   └── testdata
        │       ├── err.txt
        │       ├── f1.txt
        │       ├── f2.txt
        │       └── subdir
        │           ├── f3.txt
        │           └── f4.txt
        └── README

I think that proves that you can use ~/src/goop, and don't worry about


Paul Ruane

Feb 7, 2012, 3:57:58 PM2/7/12
to golang-nuts
Thanks for this guide, it's very informative.

As there are conventions that need to be followed for the tooling to
operate as desired, do you think it would be useful (obviously not for
Go 1) for the 'go' command to have a facility for spitting out a basic
project structure that follows these conventions (a la Maven
archetypes or the Ruby on Rails 'rails new')?


> export GOPATH=$HOME/mygo
> go create helloworld
>         hg clone
> Notice that “go install” was able to determine ...
> read more »
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Stefan Nilsson

Feb 7, 2012, 5:09:55 PM2/7/12
On Tuesday, February 7, 2012 8:51:30 PM UTC+1, Kyle Lemons wrote:
If you put them in the same directory, it seems that you need to give the full path for x within the x_test package. That's inconvenient if you want to move your code.

The _test package is only intended to break dependency cycles incurred by test code.  Since the _test files are ignored, they don't count as another package normally, and go test understands them.

Let's say my package lives at What's the best way to import this package from within a test package x_test living in the same directory? The following works (assuming you install the package at this path):

package x_test

Is there, and should there be, some other way?

Kyle Lemons

Feb 7, 2012, 5:22:09 PM2/7/12
You shouldn't import it all.  You should just be in the same package (which, by the way, may not be "x" though it will be conventionally).  If you have a dependency cycle, then yes that is what you must do.

Adam Logghe

Feb 7, 2012, 6:04:55 PM2/7/12
How are library versions handled? I would like to pin remote libraries in github at a particular version for example.

Kyle Lemons

Feb 7, 2012, 6:56:23 PM2/7/12
How are library versions handled? I would like to pin remote libraries in github at a particular version for example.

I don't know for certain, but from my use so far, it seems that only go get will update the local version, so avoid that :).

John Asmuth

Feb 7, 2012, 7:09:34 PM2/7/12
"go get" will only retrieve code from the repository if none exists, or if you give it a flag (it was -u with goinstall, haven't messed around with go get much yet).

If you want a particular version, go to the local source and checkout the correct version.

Adam Logghe

Feb 7, 2012, 7:10:05 PM2/7/12

Heh, so just don't walk over the open manhole and you'll be fine eh?

John Asmuth

Feb 7, 2012, 7:20:06 PM2/7/12
I'm probably wrong about this, from reading other posts. Perhaps I should experiment before talking.

Andrew Gerrand

Feb 7, 2012, 8:54:24 PM2/7/12
On 8 February 2012 11:20, John Asmuth <> wrote:
> I'm probably wrong about this, from reading other posts. Perhaps I should
> experiment before talking.

No, you're quite right. From "go help get":

The -u flag instructs get to use the network to update the named packages
and their dependencies. By default, get uses the network to check out
missing packages but does not use it to look for updates to existing packages.


Nickos Ventouras

Feb 7, 2012, 9:31:01 PM2/7/12
to golang-nuts
On Feb 7, 8:02 pm, Peter Bourgon <> wrote:

> > I use ~/src as well, and I have GOPATH=$HOME. Works fine.
> Except (as mentioned in IRC) this populates my ~/bin and ~/pkg subdirs
> with artifacts, rather than dropping them in place. In my view, this
> is undesirable.


And also no thoughts at all about version management? It would be a
disappointment to have to use yet another tool like "rvm" and/or
"virtualenv" in the future because "go" wouldn't cut it.


Feb 7, 2012, 10:28:24 PM2/7/12
to Nickos Ventouras, golang-nuts
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Nickos Ventouras <> wrote:
> And also no thoughts at all about version management? It would be a
> disappointment to have to use yet another tool like "rvm" and/or
> "virtualenv" in the future because "go" wouldn't cut it.

Static linking means that this is only an issue if you happen to be
developing multiple applications that require different versions of a
library, which is unlikely.
virtualenv and rvm are symptoms of the problems that dynamic linking creates.


Gustavo Niemeyer

Feb 7, 2012, 10:29:48 PM2/7/12
to Nickos Ventouras, golang-nuts
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 00:31, Nickos Ventouras <> wrote:
> And also no thoughts at all about version management? It would be a
> disappointment to have to use yet another tool like "rvm" and/or
> "virtualenv" in the future because "go" wouldn't cut it.

The foundation has been put in place 10 minutes ago. Let's wait until
it dries so we can build on it.

Nikos Ventouras

Feb 7, 2012, 11:14:00 PM2/7/12
to golang-nuts
On Feb 8, 2012, at 5:28 AM, Jessta wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Nickos Ventouras <> wrote:
>> And also no thoughts at all about version management? It would be a
>> disappointment to have to use yet another tool like "rvm" and/or
>> "virtualenv" in the future because "go" wouldn't cut it.
> Static linking means that this is only an issue if you happen to be
> developing multiple applications that require different versions of a
> library, which is unlikely.

With libraries in a state of flux, as they especially are for a new language, that's actually a quite possible scenario.

A common case is one wanting to keep working on an older version of his app that uses an older version of a lib
(say, to just add bugfixes, etc). Consider supporting the 1.x and 2.x versions of a shipped product. Is it far fetched to
consider such uses?

Besides, that's just about linking. What about how the binaries are installed? Can someone use both version 1.x
and version 2.x of the same "go" installable app?

@Gustavo Niemeyer <