Is there a reason the cert used by httptest.StartTLSServer(...) is not valid for localhost?

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Daniel Cormier

Mar 22, 2019, 3:56:16 PM3/22/19
to golang-nuts
Is there a reason the cert used by httptest.StartTLSServer(...) is not valid for localhost?

Here's how I got to this question.

I'm using go1.12.1, and I'm doing a test that involves making a series of HTTP requests that set cookies, and use those cookies in subsequent requests. In this case, I'm using an *httptest.Server (from httptest.StartTLSServer(...)) to host the needed handlers and making real HTTP requests.

When you use any of the constructors to create an *httptest.Server, the (*httptest.Server).URL value has its host set to an IP and the port the server is listening on (as stated by the docs).

I ran into a problem where some of the cookies in question have the Domain attribute set to the host serving the HTTP handler. Because the host value is an IP and not a hostname, *cookiejar.Jar does not send those cookies in requests (more info here, if you're interested).

To get around that, I replaced the IP in (*httptest.Server).URL with localhost and attempted to connect using (*httptest.Server).Client(), which trusts the cert being used by the *httptest.Server instance.  That resulted in this error:

x509: certificate is valid for, not localhost

If I do the extra leg work to create a self-signed cert that is valid for localhost and set up an *httptest.Server to use that, the cookie issue is resolved.

My question is: should everyone who wants/needs to use a TLS-enabled *httptest.Server to test things the involve cookies with the Domain attribute set be required to provide their own self-signed certs for localhost? Is there a reason that the default TLS cert used by httptest.StartTLSServer(...) doesn't include localhost (but does include the IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses, as well as

I've attached a file showing tests of various permutations of attempting to use cookies with the Domain attribute through *httptest.Server. The test that I expected to pass is at line 174. The test showing that the original issue with cookies is resolved if I send requests to localhost with a cert valid for localhost is at line 185.

Mirko Friedenhagen

Mar 23, 2019, 4:36:16 AM3/23/19
to golang-nuts

SSL does not care about IPs or network rules, only about the content of certificates. If you want reach something via SSL and state the IP, the certificate has to be valid for the IP.

You need to add two subjectAlternativeNames when creating your certificate; and localhost

For testing I sometimes fiddle with /etc/hosts and just add an entry for domain-name in one of subjectAlternativeNames and set it to


Mirko Friedenhagen

Mar 23, 2019, 9:22:59 AM3/23/19
to golang-nuts
Sorry, I should have read your post more thoroughly. You probably know this all.


Daniel Cormier

Apr 2, 2019, 11:38:54 AM4/2/19
to golang-nuts
Since this conversation didn't go anywhere, I opened an issue.

Wojciech S. Czarnecki

Apr 2, 2019, 12:28:34 PM4/2/19
On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 08:38:54 -0700 (PDT)
Daniel Cormier <> wrote:

> Since this conversation didn't go anywhere, I opened an issue
> <>.


>> Is there a reason the cert used by httptest.StartTLSServer(...)

This is a key **pair** that is available to the general public. Ie. its private
part is known to all. Making it match on localhost or loopback interface would
be a huge security hole for millions of developers who would add it to the
trusted certs store then their machines would be susceptible to a wide
class of threats via localhost MITM.

Please follow
and make a cert for yourself.

Note the link down the page.

Hope this helps,

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
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