Hi all,
A continuation of the gccgo and LD_PRELOAD discussion (search for it in golang-dev).
As mentioned before, I have a bunch of LD_PRELOAD libraries written in C, and due to the static linking issue in Go, it would be difficult to use the libraries with Go programs.
I have considered several different methods to allow this to work:
* compile it with gccgo (go version too old)
* modify syscall function (a bit too hacky, requires CPU architecture specific assembler)
* compile to Windows target and run resulting binary under Wine (also a bit too hacky)
* compile Go to Node.js WASM, load WASM module in Node.js, then inject LD_PRELOAD into Node.js (main concern is standard library availability)
Would say a typical server application work with the WASM approach (such as one that calls http.ListenAndServe())? Or is that not supported with WASM?