Go Regexp debugger?

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Steve Mynott

Nov 5, 2024, 8:02:02 AMNov 5
to golang-nuts
I'm aware of https://regex101.com/ which is fine 90% of the time for
debugging go regex, but I did find an edge case where it misled me a
few years back.

There was a specific website which used go on the backend to do
something similar with more compatibility, but I can't find details
and think it disappeared anyway, I'm sure I saw a repo for this?

Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?

Alternatively, are there any command line go regexp debuggers. I used to use


when I used Perl and something similar for go would be great if it existed?

Steve Mynott <steve....@gmail.com>

scott beeker

Nov 5, 2024, 9:39:35 AMNov 5
to Steve Mynott, golang-nuts

Thanks for the share
Quick reference is a life saver

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Steve Mynott

Nov 5, 2024, 10:51:25 AMNov 5
to golang-nuts
To (partly) answer my own question.


The Heroku link is dead, but the code runs fine locally with an added
go.mod file.


Robert Solomon

Nov 5, 2024, 1:52:09 PMNov 5
to golang-nuts
For Windows, there's regexbuddy.com and regexmagic.com.  These work together to help debug regexp's.  But these are not free programs.
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