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a common iteration usage pattern that causes sneaky goroutine leakage

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Petar Maymounkov

Jul 5, 2011, 7:19:43 PM7/5/11
to golang-nuts
I've discovered a sneaky pattern that is prone to errors.

It is now common practice to provide Iter() methods for
some containers, where ther Iter() returns a channel which
is about to receive the iteration sequence.

Such Iter() methods are usually implemented using the following code:

func (t *Container) Iter() <-chan *Item {
ch := make(chan *Item)
go func() {
for _, item := range [...] {
ch <- s
return ch


The problem arises when you attempt to use an iterator channel, but
you don't
intend to go all the way to the end:

ch := container.Iter()
for item, ok := <-ch; ok; item, ok = <-ch {
if [...] {

If you break the loop prematurely, the anonymous go-routine hangs

This code does not interfere with the normal function of your program
in anyway,
other than leaving a zombie go-routine.

Consequently, your program runs out of memory.

When you inspect the memory profile, you don't see any problems,
because the
memory profile does not report space taken by go-routines.

It took me forever to remember to look at how many go-routines are
and to finally decipher why my program was running out of memory.

Comments? Better practices?

What concerns me here is that this example speaks to the limitations
channels as iterators. Note that the receiving end cannot close the
as an indication of "I am done". (Only the sender can.)


David Symonds

Jul 5, 2011, 7:23:33 PM7/5/11
to Petar Maymounkov, golang-nuts
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Petar Maymounkov <> wrote:

> Comments? Better practices?

You've just described one of the good reasons why the Iter/chan model
is, in fact, not common practice. Remember the exp/iterable package,
which is long gone?

You're probably better off either exposing the data as a slice (if
practical), or adding a Do method that takes a func to call for each
element in the container.


Petar Maymounkov

Jul 5, 2011, 7:26:30 PM7/5/11
to David Symonds, golang-nuts
Good to know there is an agreement here. Just wanted to make sure
that we don't insist this is a way to write iterators, since I've seen this
pattern in various locations in the go source. Maybe they are not
around any more.


Islan Dberry

Jul 5, 2011, 7:41:18 PM7/5/11
to, David Symonds
since I've seen this pattern in various locations in the go source

I think there's only one remaining in expvar.


Jul 5, 2011, 10:07:07 PM7/5/11
to golang-nuts

Issue 1111 - go - list.Iter() leaks memory

Issue 296 - go - goroutines blocked on channel send are not collected


Kyle Consalus

Jul 5, 2011, 10:27:56 PM7/5/11
to Petar Maymounkov, golang-nuts
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